Thanks for validating!
Although most of you are already aware of it, here some additional informations from the original development post:
Demo URL:
Demo user: testuser
Demo password: tester
Supported Styles:
- prosilver XHTML 1.0 Strict valid
- subsilver2 XHTML 1.0 Transitional valid
Suported languages: de, en
Additional languages: Check
MOD short description:
Ultimate Points is an addon for your phpBB3 forum. You can allow your users to collect points, but of course also the possibility to spend them. This could be done via internal features like the bank, lottery or the robbery module.
This mod supports the MOD version check from Handyman
Also external modifcations will support
Ultimate Points. Some are already do so (see below).
Following modifactions do already support the UPS:
- Medal System as of v0.10.2 from Gremlinn
- F1 Webtipp v0.3.2 from Dr. Death
- Sudoku Mod as of v3.2.6 from el_teniente
- Arcade Mod as of v1.0.0 RC9 from Jeff
- Shop Mod from Adrian (seems not ot work anymore!)
- DM Video from femu
- DM EDS Easy Download System from femu
- DM Quotes Collection from femu
- Knuffel from wuerzi
- Invite A Friend from Bycoja
- Hangman for phpBB3
Following mods are supported via addons:
- phpbb Gallery as of v1.0.2 from nickvergessen
- User Blog Mod
- Board3 Portal Block for the Lotterie
- All points in decimals
- Received points are shown directly after posting
- Userguide in the ACP
Additional informations concerning the handling and the calculations:
- If a user deletes his topic, post, poll or attachment, the received points will be substracted.
- If a moderator deletes a post within the topic view, the points are substracted.
- If a moderator deletes a post with the moderator panel, the points will remain.
- If a user edit his post, the points are completely re-calculated and the user receives the points, which are left.
- If a user edit his poll (and poll options), the user will receive the points, which are left (so it will be calculated as if he starts a new poll).
- If a user edit a post with an attachment, the points for the attachment are re-caculated.
- If the Ultimate Points System is disabled and a post is deleted, the points, which the post had at the time, where the UPS was enabled, will be substracted anyway.
- If the UPS is diabled and a post is edited, the received points will remain the same, as at the time the UPS was enabled.
- Smilies, quotes or code blocks are not counted.
- bbCodes themselves are not calculated, but what is inbetween the codes.
- If the Ultimate Points is disabled, all occurances of the UPS are hidden. One exception is the display on the index page, but this one can be disabled seperatly in the ACP.
Features within the ACP:
- Name of the points is freely selectable
- Ultimate Points enable/disable
- Disable message freely definable
- Transfers/Donations enable/disable
- Points statistics on the index enable/disable
- PM information about transfers
- Comments with transfer PMs enable/disable
- Points per topic enable/disable
- Points per post enable/disable
- Points per edit enable/disable
- Points Log enable/disable
- Show image instead of points name in posts
- Show image instead of points name in profiles
- Set number of entries per page in Logs and the Lottery
- Number of most rich users shown on the index page
- Reset all user logs
- Reset all user points
- Group transfer:
Add, substract or set an equal value for a group of users. Ability to send a PM to the members of the group. Handy to give the users ie a little gift on Christmas
Common points settings within the ACP:
- Points for attachments
- Points for each physical attachment
- Points for a new poll
- Points for each option within the poll
- Points per word in new topics
- Points per character in new topics
- Points per word in new posts/replies
- Points per character in new posts/replies
- Points bonus for registering
- Costs for downloading an attachment
- Costs for warnings
Forum points settings within the ACP:
- Globally setting of forum points possible (points per topics, points per posts, points per edits)
- Individual setting of the above points per forum
- Completly disable a single forum from points calculations
Overview page:
- Display of the most rich users
- Display of the cash (points) on the regualr account
- Display of cash (points) on the bank account
- Display of the number of bought tickets
Information page:
- Display of all the other settings, which are not module related
- Can be done directly from within the topic view, the profile view or the UPS module
- User search via the member search
- Possibility to add a comment with the transfer/donation
- Display all transfers from/to the user
- Sort option for date, from users, to users or comments
Lottery module:
- A random logic is used, so that not every draw will have a winner. The Jackpot will then remain and will grow within the next draw period
- Lottery module can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- Set a different name for the Lottery in the ACP
- Multiple tickets can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- Show next draw time on index can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- Costs per tickets can be set in the ACP
- Base Jackpot can be set in the ACP
- Draw period in hours can be set in the ACP
- Possibility of resetting the Lottery history in the ACP
- Possibility to set the max number of tickets in the ACP, which can be bought within a draw period
- Chance to win in percent can be set in the ACP
- Possibilty to set a different user ID in the ACP, which will inform the lucky winner
- Display of all previous winners
- Display of the own winning history
- Information about number of sold tickets and number of players
- Information about costs per ticket and the current Jackpot
- Information about the next draw time and the last winner
Bank module:
- Bank module can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- Set a different name for the Bank in the ACP
- Set the interest rate in percent in the ACP
- Set fees for withdrawing in percent in the ACP
- Set interest payout time in days in the ACP
- Set minimum withdraw value in the ACP
- Set minimum deposit value in the ACP
- Set a maximum value in the ACP, for which interest payments are payed
- Set bank maintaining value in the ACP
- Display most rich bank users
- Deposit and withdraw
- Display of different Bank informations, like current own balance, number of all accounts, number of all deposits and display of all the additional bank settings
Robbery module:
- With the Robbery module, users can try to rob points from other users cash account (so not Bank account!)
- Robbery can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- Send PM to the robbed user can be enabled/disabled in the ACP
- Chance to be successful in percent can be set in the ACP
- Penalty for failed robbery in percent can be set in the ACP
- Set the maximum value in percent in the ACP, which can be robbed from the robbed users account with one robbery
- Display of the chance to be successful and the penalty
- User search via the member search
Group settings selectable:
- Can use the Bank module
- Can use the Log module
- Can use the Lottery module
- Can use Ultimate Points
- Can use the Robbery module
- Can use the transfer/donation module
Upgrade from other points systems:
- An upgrade from APS is possible. But you need to remove all edits and re-edit the edits for Ultimate Points. As there are different points systems around, we added a SQL install file with all SQL queries and an upgrade SQL file from the APS 0.8.2 and 0.9.2. Important: Don't delete the field points (or user_points) from the users table!
- An upgrade from Simple Points System is also possible. Here it's the same as with the APS. You need to remove all edits, delete all files from the Simple Points System and then do the edits for Ultimate Points. For the database update you will find the SQL queries in the contrib folder. The user field and the points name field are identical. Only the fields points per topic and points per post differ from our system.
Informations and credits:
Ultimate Points was born out of the pain, that all existing points systems either stopped their development or are not developped in a way, we are satisfied with. Out of these reasons, we decided to develop a new points system.
As basis we used the Advanced Points System v0.8.2 (some of the ideas were already implemented over there). The subsilver2 style and the German translation was already made by us.
During the devolpment of
Ultimate Points we meanwhile rewrote the whole package in a way, there's only the basic idea left.
Most of the functions were enhanced, corrected, adjusted and written new. We took a special attention on the validation part (XHTML 1.0 validation).
At this point we like to say thanks to all authors, who set the basic idea for a Points System (no matter, if they developped for phpBB2 or phpBB3). Without their effort and ideas to improve a phpBB forum, this modification would not exist.
To name some of those authors, where we know, who made which part):
- eXplosiv (Basic Point System - phpBB2)
- Zarath (Lottery and Bank Modul - phpBB2)
- McGod (Basic Points Mod - phpBB3)
- JC (Converted the Lottery and Bank module to phpBB3)
- ganon master (Robbery Modul)
- Adrian (Advanced Points System)
A very special thanks goes to following people, who always were a great assistance in helping to solve problems!