ACP -> .MODS -> Points -> Settings and then scroll down to the bottom ... and Yeah! That's what you were looking for ...subzonline wrote:Hi,
does anyone know what the sql would be to reset all the points to posts and topics people have made?
ACP -> .MODS -> Points -> Settings and then scroll down to the bottom ... and Yeah! That's what you were looking for ...subzonline wrote:Hi,
does anyone know what the sql would be to reset all the points to posts and topics people have made?
Code: Select all
Adding a key named holding to table POINTS_BANK_TABLE
SQL ERROR Table 'drakengardr_zxq_phpbb.POINTS_BANK_TABLE' doesn't exist
this table is not exist in includes/constants.phpdani454 wrote:Thank you. ;D I was able to get farther, but not by much. Now I get this errorThe other tables exist, so why doesn't this one?Code: Select all
Adding a key named holding to table POINTS_BANK_TABLE SQL ERROR Table 'drakengardr_zxq_phpbb.POINTS_BANK_TABLE' doesn't exist
I've read I need to manually place this table in, if so, how? I know where to find the table's code, but not where to put it after that. I get completely lost at that point.
dani454 wrote:Sorry, one more question. How do you edit the html files? I view the source to find the actual coding, but then I don't know how to save it back into the system/website
All language strings are held in the files in language/your_language/mods ...Fujcube wrote:Hi,
Just a quickie!
Where would I find the file for editing the text displayed by this mod. For example, at the bottom of the Board Index page, it says MOST RICH USER, I would like to change this to Our Richest Member or similar. There are other areas of text that I would like to edit so that the language is more appropriate to my users.
Regards, fujcube
Ask the author of the Simple Hide MOD. Every other MOD need to include our UPS, if they like. Another possibility is the use of our Easy Shop Mod.ShadowFS wrote:I have a suggestion...
Could be a good idea integrate USP with Simple Hide BBcode MOD.
The user would pay X Points (that can be set by the topic owner or a amount globally set in ACP per forum) to see the hide content.
I think this is useful =)
When you say, "the topic is closed", is the mod abandoned? If so, then it probably wouldn't make sense to make an add-on for it.ShadowFS wrote:Gonna ask him =)
Thanks for answer.
EDIT: The topic is closed x_x
Can't you make an add-on like the one on Thanks Post Mod? '-'
If it's abandoned, I agree with Keith ... Then it makes no sense. And btw ... we didn't make an addon for the Thanks Postkeith10456 wrote:When you say, "the topic is closed", is the mod abandoned? If so, then it probably wouldn't make sense to make an add-on for it.ShadowFS wrote:Gonna ask him =)
Thanks for answer.
EDIT: The topic is closed x_x
Can't you make an add-on like the one on Thanks Post Mod? '-'
I got it! Thanks for the answer!keith10456 wrote:dani454 wrote:Sorry, one more question. How do you edit the html files? I view the source to find the actual coding, but then I don't know how to save it back into the system/website
1 - Make a back-up of your files.
2 - A copy of the html files should be on your computer (which should come from your phpbb board).
3 - Use a text editor such as Notepad++ to edit the files.
4 - The edited files should then be uploaded to your phpbb board.
I mean the one that have to Thanks Post Mod, didn't mean that you do...femu wrote:If it's abandoned, I agree with Keith ... Then it makes no sense. And btw ... we didn't make an addon for the Thanks Postkeith10456 wrote:When you say, "the topic is closed", is the mod abandoned? If so, then it probably wouldn't make sense to make an add-on for it.ShadowFS wrote:Gonna ask him =)
Thanks for answer.
EDIT: The topic is closed x_x
Can't you make an add-on like the one on Thanks Post Mod? '-'