Most problems with mods are the result of bad file editsneal110 wrote:I have an problem please suggest the solution and dont tell to rechek the edits coz i already did...
Plz see the attatched file...
this shows to 100% only that you made bad edits, nothin more...neal110 wrote:I have an problem please suggest the solution and dont tell to rechek the edits coz i already did...
Plz see the attatched file...
Actually, purging your cache was one of the suggestions given to youneal110 wrote:Nope... Actually i got it fixed after i purged my cache
But thanks neways...
Can ne1 gimme the shop mod.."Shop Mod v.1.0 Beta 5"
Coz i cant find the download link...
Code: Select all
<dt>{L_POINTS_CASH_ON_HAND}:</dt> <dd><!-- IF postrow.POSTER_LOCK -->{L_POINTS_LOCKED}
<!-- ELSE -->{postrow.POSTER_POINTS}
<!-- IF USE_IMAGES_POINTS --><img src="{T_THEME_PATH}/images/money.png" width="11px" height="11px" alt="" /><!-- ELSE
-->{P_NAME}<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF not postrow.S_IS_OWN_POST and S_USER_LOGGED_IN --><br /><a
href="{postrow.U_POINTS_DONATE}">{postrow.L_DONATE}</a><!-- ELSE --><br /><!-- ENDIF --><a
href="{postrow.U_POINTS_MODIFY}">{postrow.L_MOD_USER_POINTS}</a><!-- ENDIF --></dd>
Or (like a i said before) an integration with some hide mod or a new bbcode exclusively for UPS.lynsz wrote:yep something like spoilered text, where you need to pay to see it.ShadowFS wrote:I think we want the same feature =)lynsz wrote:mhmm nice, but it still doesn't what i need, i need to make people sell and buy "text"darkonia wrote:you can use the Fun Shop system to sell permissions or virtuell itemslynsz wrote:There is a way to use those points? Like allowing people to see a hidden text only after paying?
Nice mod ... &t=1981245
I used Easy Shop, but it's not that i need...
OK... But you should note that that mod is abandoned.neal110 wrote:Am not looking for Easy Shop Mod, M looking for"Shop Mod v.1.0 Beta 5" in working condition...
Code: Select all
Refreshing the subsilver2 template
ERROR: Could not open the file ./styles/subsilver2mcp_move.html for reading.
Just in case you don't get the bbcode you're looking for... Another way to go about it is to reward your users "Per Post" instead of "Per Character" in a Post. This is what I do on my site. This way I don't have to worry about members copying and pasting large blocks of textthe_sparrer wrote:I was wondering if anyone could help me out with what to do to make a bbcode that would not be visible on the user end of thing, but would make it so the text included would not be counted for points? I know that the quote bbcode makes it so the block of text doesn't count, but I have members posing big blocks of text a lot, which aren't their own, like, excerpts and things. And it doesn't look as good quoted. I don't want to award them points for non-original material though, so it would be really nice if there were a way to discretely keep stuff from counting.
I understand... I was just offering you an alternative in case you didn't get what you were looking for.the_sparrer wrote:Yes, but the whole reason I wanted the points mod was to reward the loquacious members who actually type out well thought replies more than just the ones who say "lol." If I wanted to just go by post, well, the post count acts as a status symbol for that.