Exact, it takes the last (or latest) x posted img from settable forum ids for displaying and the count of x is configurable in config area of mod. Thats the base intention. But, as i say, i give the desired workmode as contrib in next version, so the name of the mod must not changed, bcs. if it work the desired way, it takes not the last (latest) x img from a forum anymore, but the last from each topic in this forum and those img can be weeks, months or years old.iamthestreets wrote:it is taking every image that has been posted.
Code: Select all
// detect screen resolution of user via java
// (if anything is disfunction by detection, turn it to: no)
$detect_img_java_screen = 'no';
// enter as given_ yes or no
// number of max pics to show
// (important if user have no javacript enabled or $detect_java_screen is set to 'no';)
$max_img_to_show = 11;
// enter as given 9 or 12 etc.
so i cant do anything.4_seven wrote:if yes with no result, i have no clue.
Code: Select all
// detect screen resolution of user via java
// (if anything is disfunction by detection, turn it to: no)
$detect_img_java_screen = 'no';
// enter as given_ yes or no
// number of max pics to show
// (important if user have no javacript enabled or $detect_java_screen is set to 'no';)
$max_img_to_show = 11;
// enter as given 9 or 12 etc.
Code: Select all
if ($detect_img_java_screen == 'yes'){
if (!request_var('w', '', true)){
echo "<script language='javascript'>\n";
echo " location.href=\"${_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?${_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}"
. "&w=\" + screen.width + \"&h=\" + screen.height;\n";
echo "</script>\n";
$convert_real_img_size = $max_img_to_show;
'NUMBER_OF_SHOWN_IMG' => $convert_real_img_size));}
else if (request_var('w', '', true)){
if ($img_width_o_height == 'mix'){
if ($crawl_img_o_not == 'no'){
$convert_real_img_size = round(request_var('w', '') / ($convert_mx_size*1.2));}
$convert_real_img_size = round(request_var('w', '') / ($convert_mx_size*0.7));}
else if ($img_width_o_height == 'width'){
if ($crawl_img_o_not == 'no'){
$convert_real_img_size = round(request_var('w', '') / ($convert_mx_size*1.3));}
$convert_real_img_size = round(request_var('w', '') / ($convert_mx_size*0.65));}
if ($crawl_img_o_not == 'no'){
$convert_real_img_size = round(request_var('w', '') / ($convert_mx_size*1.8));}
$convert_real_img_size = round(request_var('w', '') / ($convert_mx_size*0.9));}
'S_NO_IMG_JAVA_PRESENT' => request_var('w', '', true),
'NUMBER_OF_SHOWN_IMG' => $convert_real_img_size,
'SCREEN_IMG_WIDTH' => request_var('w', ''),
'SCREEN_IMG_HEIGHT' => request_var('h', '')));
$convert_real_img_size = $max_img_to_show;
'NUMBER_OF_SHOWN_IMG' => $convert_real_img_size,
Code: Select all
$convert_real_img_size = $max_img_to_show;
'NUMBER_OF_SHOWN_IMG' => $convert_real_img_size,
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