gs2088c wrote:I will look at it this evening or tomorrow.
1. I just looked at the conversion I did in 2010, and the random posts that I checked were in tact. Several of the posts were VERY, VERY LONG.
2. I opened the database (not the *.MDB) used by the program, and there is no limit on the body.
3. I also looked at the source code, and I don't can't see anywhere that it would account for the issue.
4. There are one thing I know for a fact (I know you are referring to the body of the post) is that, the subject line is limited, and there will be some characters cut off. That is because of phpBB, not Y2B3, and the version I used at the time (3.0.6, if I recall correctly off the top of my head). I don't know about later versions.
However, I plan STARTING THE UPDATE PROCESS FOR Y2B3 to be WIN7 compatiablity by 1 Mar 2012, 1300 hours EST (USA). But I will look at this issue more over the next few days, to see if I can see what is up. However, the updated WIN7 version should be able to be used on WINXP, until 2359:59 hours, 7 Apr 2013.
Would you be willing to provide me a copy of the *.MDB you are using? If so, ***PLEASE***:
1. Make a COPY of it.
2. Open up the COPY
2.1. Open tblGroups, and remove the userid/password
2.2. Open tblSystem, and remove the userid/password
2.3. The two above actions is to protect you and your group login to Yahoo.
3. I haven't looked or tried, but if the file is small enough, and this board allows it, upload it to a reply on this thread.
4. If #3 isn't possible, use something like Google Docs, M$ Skydrive, or something similar and upload the COPY of the *.MDB, then provide me the link to download it.
However, in any case, I will be downloading a sample of my Yahoo board (say maybe 500-1000 posts), and try to recreate your issue in a virtual XP environment, using the program that is still on my site. My board hasn't, and I don't plan on deactivating it.
Is your Yahoo board on a non-english site? This is because sometimes that could affect it. In the pase two years, I worked with a person in Brazil, and their language (Portugese, I think) affected the program.
Waiting to hear from you.
Finally, PLEASE keep in mind, that the above checking was just a quick, cursory check, I still have more to do.
For those not familiar with the "24 hour" clock, simply for any times from 1300 and up, simply subtract 12 from the first two numbers, and add "PM" to it, an you have civilian time.