cgwebdev wrote:Do I need to make all of these Updates or is it enough if I just do this one?
md5sum: 45bdc622489809f576f094a35ab27e80
this one?
md5sum: 45bdc622489809f576f094a35ab27e80
md5sum: 507ab687f8ff35b68ce42e689337e26a
md5sum: 346e5e098cdf1a8d503917413b8c5cb6
md5sum: 5be3dd31a6dda10778ba05cda40bd2c2
It depends on the your board setup -- please post a new topic in the Support Forum utilising the
SRT and someone will be able to assist you.
THE CFO wrote:Why do i not have the automatic updater on my Administration Control Panel under the systems tab?
You have to download the automatic update package from and upload it first.
THE CFO wrote:Also why does it not tell me what version i'm running? All it give me is "Information about your PHP configuration is unable to be determined. Phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons."
Your forum version is available on the index of the ACP -- the message above pertains to the PHP version, which is unavailable as your host has disabled the function needed to obtain the information.
As this topic is for
discussion of the release, please ask any other questions you have in the Support Forum.