With regard to the Arcade Mod, that would be because there's no background colour on li.row .
Open: /styles/supernova/theme/colours.css
Code: Select all
li.row {
border-top-color: #CCCCCC;
border-bottom-color: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/row.png");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
Replace with:
Code: Select all
li.row {
border-top-color: #CCCCCC;
border-bottom-color: #FFFFFF;
background-image: url("{T_THEME_PATH}/images/row.png");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
Boardtalk.net wrote:But this leaves a white line gap, I was wondering what would get rid of the white gap.
There's a padding-top value on the sn-shadows div which stops content from starting literally underneath the navbar. Easiest way to move your navbar up would be to add a negative margin-top value. For example open: supernova/template/overall_header.html
Replace with:
Code: Select all
<div id="navbar" style="margin-top: -12px;">
Let me know how you get on
. Oh, and I also use 7zip, love it!