I know that you have to place these edits in the location of UCP,ACP, and so on. But inside these files, where exactly do you place each edit?
Code: Select all
'UCP_CAT_RIVALS' => 'Clan Control Panel',
'UCP_RIVALS_ADD_CHALLENGE' => 'Add a Challenge',
'UCP_RIVALS_CHALLENGES' => 'Manage Challenges',
'UCP_RIVALS_GROUP_MEMBERS' => 'Manage Members',
'UCP_RIVALS_INVITE_MEMBERS' => 'Invita membro',
'UCP_RIVALS_INVITE_MEMBERS_IMG' => 'invitamembri-en.png',
'UCP_RIVALS_PENDING_MEMBERS' => 'amministramembri-en.png',
'UCP_RIVALS_FIND_GROUP' => 'Find a Clan',
'UCP_RIVALS_MAIN' => 'Main Page',
'UCP_RIVALS_MATCHES' => 'Manage Matches',
'UCP_RIVALS_MATCH_FINDER' => 'Match Finder',
'UCP_RIVALS_TICKET' => 'Issue a Ticket',
'UCP_RIVALS_TOURNAMENTS' => 'Manage Tournaments' )
'ACP_CAT_RIVALS' => 'phpRivals Mod',
'ACP_RIVALS' => 'phpRivals Mod',
'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_LADDER' => 'Add a Ladder',
'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_SEASON' => 'Add a Season',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_SEASON' => 'Edit Season',
'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_PLATFORM' => 'Add a Platform',
'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_TOURNAMENT' => 'Add a Tournament',
'ACP_RIVALS_CONFIGURE' => 'Configure',
'ACP_RIVALS_MANAGE_SEASONS' => 'Manage Seasons',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_BRACKETS' => 'Edit Brackets',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_LADDERS' => 'Edit Ladders',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_LADDER' => 'Edit Ladder',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_PLATFORMS' => 'Edit Platforms',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_TOURNAMENT' => 'Edit Tournament',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_TOURNAMENTS' => 'Edit Tournaments',
'ACP_RIVALS_MAIN' => 'Main Page',
'ACP_RIVALS_REPORT_MATCH' => 'Report a Match',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MVP' => 'Edit user MVPs',
'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_MVP_LIST' => 'Add a MVP chart',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_RULES' => 'Edit Ladder Rules',
'ACP_RIVALS_CONFIG_DECERTO' => 'Set Decertos\'s Ladder',
'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MATCH' => 'Del a war',
'acl_a_rivals' => array('lang' => 'Can view phpRivals Mod admin', 'cat' => 'misc'),
'ACP_RIVALS_SEED_TOURNAMENT' => 'Seed Tournament' )
'COF_SI' => 'Level: CoFounder',
'COF_NO' => 'Level: Member',
'ASSIGN_AS_COLEADER' => 'Assign user like Clan\'s CoFounder',
'MEMBER_UPDATE_LIKE_COFOUNDER' => 'This user now is a CoFounder',
'DA_TEMPO' => 'War\'s old age:',
'STATUS' => 'Status:',
'CARATTERISTICHE' => 'Kind of Ladder:',
'COMBATTENTI' => 'Clans of wars:',
'VITTORIOSO' => 'Win by:',
'LEGENDA_COFOUNDER' => 'A user set CoFounder can remove others members from the clan, add members, starts a war against others clans',
'NOAZIONE' => 'No action',
'MEMBER_UPDATED' => 'Members list update',
'NU' => 'N·',
'UTENTE' => 'User',
'CLAN' => 'Clan',
'REGISTRATO' => 'Playing from',
'MVP' => 'MVP',
'GIOCANDO_PER' => 'With Clan: ',
'DAL' => 'From: ',
'NO_MEMBERS_MVP' => 'Any user with MVPs found',
'GROUP_SITO' => 'Clan\'s Site: ',
'EDIT_MVP_LEGENDA' => 'Add the clan ID for limit at the users in that clan',
'MVP_BASE_USER' => 'Courrent MVP',
'A_CUI_SOMMO' => 'Add this value: ',
'MVP_MENU' => 'Top MVP',
'L_NONCLASSIFICATA' => '<i>(unranked)</i>',
'MVPLIST_NAME' => 'MVP chart name',
'MVPLIST_DESC' => 'MVP chart descrition',
'MVPLIST_PLATFORM' => 'Number of linked platform',
'MVPLIST_PLATFORM_ISTR' => '[Example] The "Number of linked platform" is that in the url below was in bold style:<br>
'MVPLIST_LADDER' => 'Number of linked ladder',
'MVPLIST_LADDER_ISTR' => '[Example] The "Number of linked ladder" is that in the url below was in bold style:<br>
'TITOLO_PAGINA_MVP_DESC' => 'TOP MVP chart listed by ladders. For to appear here you must have MVP > 0.',
'CLAN_ATTENDI_WAR' => 'Clans ready for wars',
'AZIONE' => 'Action',
'SU_LADDER' => 'On ladder',
'FINO_ALLE' => 'Till to',
'GROUP_POSITION' => 'Ladder Rank',
'CERCA_WAR_AGGIUNGITI' => 'Use the form below for propose yourself for a war!',
'DOVE_CERCHI' => 'War on: ',
'TRA_QUANTO' => 'Wait for: ',
'NOUWAR' => 'Any clans are looking for a war',
'SFIDA' => 'sfidap-en.png',
'IL_CLAN' => 'The Clan',
'DICE_DI_AVER_VINTO' => 'have reported a victory agaist you',
'A' => 'to',
'PUNTEGGIO' => 'War points',
'TU' => 'You =',
'ALTRO' => 'Other =',
'TITOLO_PAGINA_RANDOM' => 'Maps of the day',
'TITOLO_PAGINA_RANDOM_DESC' => 'This map, circuit, other, are the map of the day. All data change automatically.',
'NO_GIOCO_RANDOM' => 'Any games registered',
'RULES_IMG' => 'rules_en.jpg',
'ACP_RIVALS_NEW_RULES' => 'Add rules page to a ladder',
'PLATFORM_ID' => 'ID Platform',
'LADDER_ID' => 'ID Ladder',
'CREA_NUOVA' => 'Add new rules page',
'ACP_RIVALS_ALTRO_RULES' => 'Edit or delete a rules page',
'LEGENDA_TEXTAREA' => 'The textarea form allow html language. For text formatting you can use this commands:<br /><br /><b>TEXT</b> for bold text<br />
<i>TEXT</i> for italic text<br>
<u>TEXT</u> for underscored text <br>
<p align="center">TEXT</p> for center <i>-> [right, left]</i><br>
<font size="NUMBER">TEXT</font><br>
<font color="COLOR">TEXT</font> for text color<br>
<i> -> [red: #FF0000, blue: #0000FF, yellow: #FFFF00, green: #00FF00, white: #FFFFFF, black: #000000, etc...]</i>',
'REQUISITI' => 'Subscription rules',
'REG_GENERALI' => 'General rules',
'CONFIG' => 'Configuration for Clan War',
'VIETATO' => 'It\'s forbidden',
'TITOLO_PAGINA_RULES_LADDER' => 'Rules for ladder',
'NO_RULES' => '<br />This ladder have no rules<br /><br />',
'RULES_CHART_ADDED' => 'Chart rule added',
'RULES_CHART_UPDATED' => 'Chart rule updated',
'RULES_CHART_DELETED' => 'Chart rule deleted',
'PLATFORM_UPDATED' => 'Platform updated',
'MPV_LIST_ADDED' => 'MVP Chart added',
'TITOLO_PAGINA_UWAR' => 'Latest Wars',
'NO_UWAR' => 'Any war are still played',
'CLAN_TEMPO' => 'Clan - Date',
'PUNTEGGIO_PARZIALE' => 'Detailed score',
'CERCA_E_DISTRUGGI' => 'Seed and Destroy on',
'DOMINIO' => 'Demolition on',
'BANDIERA' => 'Capture the flag su',
'DECERTO_UPDATED' => 'Decerto id updated',
'CONFIGURE_DECERTO' => 'Set the ladder where the system Decerto is active',
'U_SFIDA' => 'WAR',
'SFIDA_ACCETTATA' => 'Challange accepted',
'NON_SFIDARE_TE_STESSO' => 'You can\'t challange yourself!',
'MOTIVO_ANINIMI' => '* Yes, the name of clan that are looking for a war aren\'t visible. We think that it\'s useful for ensure the war for best clans too<br />',
'ORDINE_GIOCO' => 'Games order:',
'CED_SHORT' => 'S&D',
'DOMINIO_SHORT' => 'Demolition',
'BANDIERA_SHORT' => 'Capt. Flag',
'FONDATORE' => 'Level: Founder',
'GROUP_DELETED' => 'Clan deleted',
'COFONDATORE_ALTRO_CLAN' => 'A user that you have selected is just founder o cofounder in other clan. You can promote in your clan',
'PUNTI_VINCITORE' => 'Winner score',
'PUNTI_PERDENTE' => 'Loser score',
'COMPILA_SOLO_SE' => 'The form below will appear only if the ladder is DECERTO',
'LADDER_LIST_IMPORTANTE' => '<b>Your clan isn\'t on the list below? It\'s because you aren\'t in any ladder.<br><br>
JOIN RIGHT NOW IN A LADDER! <a href="./rivals.php?action=platforms"><u>CLICK HERE</u></a></b>',
'ATTIVO' => 'active',
'NON_ATTIVO' => 'unactive',
'LISTA_CLAN_COMPLETA' => 'Clans full list',
'LISTA_CLAN_COMPLETA_DESC' => 'if you\'re unactive you must join in a ladder',
'ROLE' => 'Level',
'COF_SI_SHORT' => 'CoFounder',
'COF_NO_SHORT' => 'Member',
'FONDATORE_SHORT' => 'Founder',
'LEGENDA' => '<h2>Icons legend</h2>',
'CORONA' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with best difference between wins and lose match. If win against it you will get extra points!',
'TOMBA' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with worst difference between wins and lose match.',
'CALDO' => 'Clan in wins serie. If win against it you will get extra points!',
'FREDDO' => 'Clan in lossless serie.',
'LADDER_STATUS' => 'Activity',
'PAREGGIO' => 'Draw',
'LADDER_GROUP_GOAL_FATTI' => 'Goals done',
'LEG_CAPOCAN' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with best difference between Goals done and Goals putted up.',
'LEG_PIUGOAL' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with worst difference between Goals done and Goals putted up.',
'PAVIDO' => '<i>Clan deleted</i>',
'GROUP_UNDELETABLE' => 'Your clan has played 5 or more wars. For save the site stats you can\'t delete it.<br />
If you want restart with other clan you must create new one.',
'REPORTED_MATCHES_CALCIO' => 'Reported wars of ladder with Football rules',
'UNREPORTED_MATCHES_CALCIO' => 'Unreported wars of ladder with Football rules',
'HA_RIPORTATO_IL_RISULTATO' => 'has reported a result of:',
'CONFIRM_CALCIO' => 'Confirm',
'CONTEST_CALCIO' => 'Constest',
'MAPSET' => '<br />Mapset:',
'REPORT_CALCIO' => 'Report match',
'STANDARD_LADDER' => 'Standard Ladder',
'DECERTO_LADDER' => 'Ladder with Decerto rules (FPS)',
'CPC_LADDER' => 'Ladder with CPC rules (FPS)',
'CALCIO_LADDER' => 'Football ladder',
'LEGENDA_LADDER' => '<b><u>Those are the kind of ladder selectable with their differences:</b></u><br />
STANDARD = Standard ladder for all games.<br />
DECERTO = Shows 3 game modes (Seek and Destroy, Demolition, Capture the Flag) random, on random map.<br />
CPC = Shows 3 random maps.<br />
CALCIO = Special point and rank system that allow draws results. Goals maked and goals putted up are used for calculate the score.
<br />',
'MATCH_DELETED' => 'Match deleted.<br />If it was a classified one the clan\'s scores will be adjusted too',
'EDIT_MATCH' => 'Del a war entries',
'EDIT_MATCH_EXP' => 'Del illegittimate wars, but remember: if are classified wars the clan\'s scores for that ladder will be modified',
'NON_SEI_NELLA_LADDER' => 'You can\'t challange clans in ladders where you aren\'t joined before',
'HAI_UN_MATCH_IN_CERCA' => 'You are looking for a war on',
'CLAN_ATTENDI_WAR_IO' => 'Your war finding',
'NOUWAR_IO' => 'You aren\'t finding any war rightnow',