[BETA] phpRivals mod 2.0.1

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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Mess »

Cool thanks. I have installed this on my test board.
There are a few errors in the install file. A reference to an italien index file. And the following SQL error:

Code: Select all

PHP Version: 5.2.11
DBMS: MySQL(i) 4.1.22-standard
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.7-PL1

Adding a new database table: phpbb_ladder_rules
SQL ERROR Column length too big for column 'requisiti_iscrizione' (max = 255); use BLOB or TEXT instead

Adding a new database table: phpbb_rivals_mvp
SQL ERROR Column length too big for column 'descrizione_mvp' (max = 255); use BLOB or TEXT instead
This mod is not ready to be installed with AutoMod, yet. Those wanting to test should do edits by hand for now.
Last edited by Mess on Sat Jul 17, 2010 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Lenny1 »

In the page ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_RULES there is an eror:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Table 'myUserName_phpBB.phpbb_rivals_ladder_rules' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT * FROM phpbb_rivals_ladder_rules as r INNER JOIN phpbb_rivals_ladders as l ON l.ladder_id = r.rules_ladder


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/acp/rivals/acp_rivals_edit_rules.php
LINE: 89
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_rivals.php
LINE: 158
CALL: acp_rivals_edit_rules()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_rivals->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 78
CALL: p_master->load_active()
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Coert »

It looks good but there are a few bugs
I made a .zip with info about the bug location and the problem etc.

http://www.kstln.nl/phpbbrivals%201.0.3 ... 202010.zip
Version: 3.0.8 | Template: Prosilver Special Edition | Language: English
PHP: 5.3.1 | Database: MySQL 5.1.41 | Apache: 2.2.14
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by CheeRees »

There is a LOT of bugs :?
Please enable in your config file

Code: Select all

@define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
@define('DEBUG', true);
@define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
And then look :lol:
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Bdrunkz »


I already downloaded the mod form http://www.phprivals.com/?class=download

I know that you have to place these edits in the location of UCP,ACP, and so on. But inside these files, where exactly do you place each edit?

Code: Select all


'UCP_CAT_RIVALS'            => 'Clan Control Panel',
   'UCP_RIVALS_ADD_CHALLENGE'      => 'Add a Challenge',
   'UCP_RIVALS_CHALLENGES'         => 'Manage Challenges',
   'UCP_RIVALS_GROUP_MEMBERS'      => 'Manage Members',
    'UCP_RIVALS_INVITE_MEMBERS'      => 'Invita membro',
   'UCP_RIVALS_INVITE_MEMBERS_IMG' => 'invitamembri-en.png',
   'UCP_RIVALS_PENDING_MEMBERS'   => 'amministramembri-en.png',
   'UCP_RIVALS_EDIT_GROUP'         => 'Edit Clan',
   'UCP_RIVALS_FIND_GROUP'         => 'Find a Clan',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MAIN'            => 'Main Page',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MATCHCOMM'         => 'MatchComm',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MATCHES'         => 'Manage Matches',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MATCH_FINDER'      => 'Match Finder',
   'UCP_RIVALS_TICKET'            => 'Issue a Ticket',
   'UCP_RIVALS_TOURNAMENTS'      => 'Manage Tournaments' )



'ACP_CAT_RIVALS'            => 'phpRivals Mod',
   'ACP_RIVALS'               => 'phpRivals Mod',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_LADDER'         => 'Add a Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_SEASON'         => 'Add a Season',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_SEASON'      => 'Edit Season',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_PLATFORM'      => 'Add a Platform',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_TOURNAMENT'      => 'Add a Tournament',
   'ACP_RIVALS_CONFIGURE'         => 'Configure',
   'ACP_RIVALS_MANAGE_SEASONS'      => 'Manage Seasons',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_BRACKETS'      => 'Edit Brackets',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_GROUPS'      => 'Edit Clans',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_LADDERS'      => 'Edit Ladders',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_LADDER'      => 'Edit Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_SUBLADDER'      => 'Edit Sub-Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_PLATFORMS'      => 'Edit Platforms',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_TOURNAMENT'   => 'Edit Tournament',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_TOURNAMENTS'   => 'Edit Tournaments',
   'ACP_RIVALS_MAIN'            => 'Main Page',
   'ACP_RIVALS_REPORT_MATCH'      => 'Report a Match',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MVP'           => 'Edit user MVPs',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_MVP_LIST'       => 'Add a MVP chart',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MVP_LIST'      => 'Edit MVP chart',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_RULES'         => 'Edit Ladder Rules',
   'ACP_RIVALS_CONFIG_DECERTO'     => 'Set Decertos\'s Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MATCH'         => 'Del a war',
   'acl_a_rivals'      => array('lang' => 'Can view phpRivals Mod admin', 'cat' => 'misc'),
   'ACP_RIVALS_SEED_TOURNAMENT'   => 'Seed Tournament' )



'COF_SI' => 'Level: CoFounder',
   'COF_NO' => 'Level: Member',
   'ASSIGN_AS_COLEADER' => 'Assign user like Clan\'s CoFounder',
   'MEMBER_UPDATE_LIKE_COFOUNDER' => 'This user now is a CoFounder',
   'DA_TEMPO' => 'War\'s old age:',
   'STATUS' => 'Status:',
   'CARATTERISTICHE' => 'Kind of Ladder:',
   'COMBATTENTI' => 'Clans of wars:',
   'VITTORIOSO' => 'Win by:',
   'LEGENDA_COFOUNDER' => 'A user set CoFounder can remove others members from the clan, add members, starts a war against others clans',
   'NOAZIONE' => 'No action',
   'MEMBER_UPDATED' => 'Members list update',
   'NU' => 'N·',
   'UTENTE' => 'User',
   'CLAN' => 'Clan',
   'REGISTRATO' => 'Playing from',
   'MVP' => 'MVP',
   'GIOCANDO_PER' => 'With Clan: ',
   'DAL' => 'From: ',
   'NO_MEMBERS_MVP' => 'Any user with MVPs found',
   'GROUP_SITO' => 'Clan\'s Site: ',
   'EDIT_MVP_LEGENDA' => 'Add the clan ID for limit at the users in that clan',
   'MVP_BASE_USER' => 'Courrent MVP',
   'A_CUI_SOMMO' => 'Add this value: ',
   'MVP_MENU' => 'Top MVP',
   'L_NONCLASSIFICATA' => '<i>(unranked)</i>',
   'MVPLIST_NAME' => 'MVP chart name',
   'MVPLIST_DESC' => 'MVP chart descrition',
   'MVPLIST_PLATFORM' => 'Number of linked platform',
   'MVPLIST_PLATFORM_ISTR' => '[Example] The "Number of linked platform" is that in the url below was in bold style:<br>
   'MVPLIST_LADDER' => 'Number of linked ladder',
   'MVPLIST_LADDER_ISTR' => '[Example] The "Number of linked ladder" is that in the url below was in bold style:<br>
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_MVP_DESC' => 'TOP MVP chart listed by ladders. For to appear here you must have MVP > 0.',
   'CLAN_ATTENDI_WAR' => 'Clans ready for wars',
   'AZIONE' => 'Action',
   'SU_LADDER' => 'On ladder',
   'FINO_ALLE' => 'Till to',
   'GROUP_POSITION' => 'Ladder Rank',
   'CERCA_WAR_AGGIUNGITI' => 'Use the form below for propose yourself for a war!',
   'DOVE_CERCHI' => 'War on: ',
   'TRA_QUANTO' => 'Wait for: ',
   'NOUWAR' => 'Any clans are looking for a war',
   'SFIDA' => 'sfidap-en.png',
   'IL_CLAN' => 'The Clan',
   'DICE_DI_AVER_VINTO' => 'have reported a victory agaist you',
   'A' => 'to',
   'PUNTEGGIO' => 'War points',
   'TU' => 'You =',
   'ALTRO' => 'Other =',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_RANDOM' => 'Maps of the day',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_RANDOM_DESC' => 'This map, circuit, other, are the map of the day. All data change automatically.',
   'NO_GIOCO_RANDOM' => 'Any games registered',
   'RULES_IMG' => 'rules_en.jpg',
   'ACP_RIVALS_NEW_RULES' => 'Add rules page to a ladder',
   'PLATFORM_ID' => 'ID Platform',
   'LADDER_ID' => 'ID Ladder',
   'CREA_NUOVA' => 'Add new rules page',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ALTRO_RULES' => 'Edit or delete a rules page',
   'LEGENDA_TEXTAREA' => 'The textarea form allow html language. For text formatting you can use this commands:<br /><br /><b>TEXT</b> for bold text<br />
   <i>TEXT</i> for italic text<br>
    <u>TEXT</u> for underscored text <br>
    <p align="center">TEXT</p> for center <i>-> [right, left]</i><br>
    <font size="NUMBER">TEXT</font><br>
    <font color="COLOR">TEXT</font> for text color<br>
    <i> -> [red: #FF0000, blue: #0000FF, yellow: #FFFF00, green: #00FF00, white: #FFFFFF, black: #000000, etc...]</i>',
   'REQUISITI' => 'Subscription rules',
   'REG_GENERALI' => 'General rules',
   'CONFIG' => 'Configuration for Clan War',
   'VIETATO' => 'It\'s forbidden',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_RULES_LADDER' => 'Rules for ladder',
   'NO_RULES' => '<br />This ladder have no rules<br /><br />',
   'RULES_CHART_ADDED' => 'Chart rule added',
   'RULES_CHART_UPDATED' => 'Chart rule updated',
   'RULES_CHART_DELETED' => 'Chart rule deleted',
   'PLATFORM_UPDATED' => 'Platform updated',
   'MPV_LIST_ADDED' => 'MVP Chart added',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_UWAR' => 'Latest Wars',
   'NO_UWAR' => 'Any war are still played',
   'CLAN_TEMPO' => 'Clan - Date',
   'PUNTEGGIO_PARZIALE' => 'Detailed score',
   'CERCA_E_DISTRUGGI' => 'Seed and Destroy on',
   'DOMINIO' => 'Demolition on',
   'BANDIERA' => 'Capture the flag su',
   'DECERTO_UPDATED' => 'Decerto id updated',
   'CONFIGURE_DECERTO' => 'Set the ladder where the system Decerto is active',
   'U_SFIDA' => 'WAR',
   'SFIDA_ACCETTATA' => 'Challange accepted',
   'NON_SFIDARE_TE_STESSO' => 'You can\'t challange yourself!',
   'MOTIVO_ANINIMI' => '* Yes, the name of clan that are looking for a war aren\'t visible. We think that it\'s useful for ensure the war for best clans too<br />',
   'ORDINE_GIOCO' => 'Games order:',
   'CED_SHORT' => 'S&D',
   'DOMINIO_SHORT' => 'Demolition',
   'BANDIERA_SHORT' => 'Capt. Flag',
   'FONDATORE' => 'Level: Founder',
   'GROUP_DELETED' => 'Clan deleted',
   'COFONDATORE_ALTRO_CLAN' => 'A user that you have selected is just founder o cofounder in other clan. You can promote in your clan',
   'PUNTI_VINCITORE' => 'Winner score',
   'PUNTI_PERDENTE' => 'Loser score',
   'COMPILA_SOLO_SE' => 'The form below will appear only if the ladder is DECERTO',
   'LADDER_LIST_IMPORTANTE' => '<b>Your clan isn\'t on the list below? It\'s because you aren\'t in any ladder.<br><br>
  JOIN RIGHT NOW IN A LADDER! <a href="./rivals.php?action=platforms"><u>CLICK HERE</u></a></b>',
    'ATTIVO' => 'active',
   'NON_ATTIVO' => 'unactive',
   'LISTA_CLAN_COMPLETA'  => 'Clans full list',
   'LISTA_CLAN_COMPLETA_DESC' => 'if you\'re unactive you must join in a ladder',
   'ROLE' => 'Level',
   'COF_SI_SHORT' => 'CoFounder',
   'COF_NO_SHORT' => 'Member',
   'FONDATORE_SHORT' => 'Founder',
   'LEGENDA' => '<h2>Icons legend</h2>',
   'CORONA' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with best difference between wins and lose match. If win against it you will get extra points!',
   'TOMBA' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with worst difference between wins and lose match.',
   'CALDO' => 'Clan in wins serie. If win against it you will get extra points!',
   'FREDDO' => 'Clan in lossless serie.',
   'LADDER_STATUS' => 'Activity',
   'LADDER_GROUP_PARI' => 'Draws',
   'PAREGGIO' => 'Draw',
   'LADDER_GROUP_GOAL_FATTI' => 'Goals done',
   'LADDER_GROUP_GOAL_SUBITI' => 'Goals p.up',
   'LEG_CAPOCAN' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with best difference between Goals done and Goals putted up.',
   'LEG_PIUGOAL' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with worst difference between Goals done and Goals putted up.',
   'PAVIDO' => '<i>Clan deleted</i>',
   'GROUP_UNDELETABLE' => 'Your clan has played 5 or more wars. For save the site stats you can\'t delete it.<br />
   If you want restart with other clan you must create new one.',
   'REPORTED_MATCHES_CALCIO' => 'Reported wars of ladder with Football rules',
   'UNREPORTED_MATCHES_CALCIO' => 'Unreported wars of ladder with Football rules',
   'HA_RIPORTATO_IL_RISULTATO' => 'has reported a result of:',
   'CONFIRM_CALCIO' => 'Confirm',
   'CONTEST_CALCIO' => 'Constest',
   'MAPSET' => '<br />Mapset:',
   'REPORT_CALCIO' => 'Report match',
   'STANDARD_LADDER' => 'Standard Ladder',
   'DECERTO_LADDER' => 'Ladder with Decerto rules (FPS)',
   'CPC_LADDER' => 'Ladder with CPC rules (FPS)',
   'CALCIO_LADDER' => 'Football ladder',
   'LEGENDA_LADDER' => '<b><u>Those are the kind of ladder selectable with their differences:</b></u><br />
   STANDARD = Standard ladder for all games.<br />
   DECERTO = Shows 3 game modes (Seek and Destroy, Demolition, Capture the Flag) random, on random map.<br />
   CPC = Shows 3 random maps.<br />
   CALCIO = Special point and rank system that allow draws results. Goals maked and goals putted up are used for calculate the score.
   <br />',
   'MATCH_DELETED' => 'Match deleted.<br />If it was a classified one the clan\'s scores will be adjusted too',
   'EDIT_MATCH' => 'Del a war entries',
   'EDIT_MATCH_EXP' => 'Del illegittimate wars, but remember: if are classified wars the clan\'s scores for that ladder will be modified',
   'NON_SEI_NELLA_LADDER' => 'You can\'t challange clans in ladders where you aren\'t joined before',
   'HAI_UN_MATCH_IN_CERCA' => 'You are looking for a war on',
   'CLAN_ATTENDI_WAR_IO' => 'Your war finding',
   'NOUWAR_IO' => 'You aren\'t finding any war rightnow',
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Soshen »

Mess wrote:Cool thanks. I have installed this on my test board.
There are a few errors in the install file. A reference to an italien index file. And the following SQL error:

Code: Select all

PHP Version: 5.2.11
DBMS: MySQL(i) 4.1.22-standard
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.7-PL1

Adding a new database table: phpbb_ladder_rules
SQL ERROR Column length too big for column 'requisiti_iscrizione' (max = 255); use BLOB or TEXT instead

Adding a new database table: phpbb_rivals_mvp
SQL ERROR Column length too big for column 'descrizione_mvp' (max = 255); use BLOB or TEXT instead
This mod is not ready to be installed with AutoMod, yet. Those wanting to test should do edits by hand for now.

This is a setting of your server that limit at 255 the mysql column lenght, i've putted 500 and work in mine server, dreamhost when i try the installer.
I will correct
king577 wrote:In the page ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_RULES there is an eror:

Code: Select all

SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Table 'myUserName_phpBB.phpbb_rivals_ladder_rules' doesn't exist [1146]


SELECT * FROM phpbb_rivals_ladder_rules as r INNER JOIN phpbb_rivals_ladders as l ON l.ladder_id = r.rules_ladder


FILE: includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 174
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: includes/acp/rivals/acp_rivals_edit_rules.php
LINE: 89
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()

FILE: includes/acp/acp_rivals.php
LINE: 158
CALL: acp_rivals_edit_rules()

FILE: includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: acp_rivals->main()

FILE: adm/index.php
LINE: 78
CALL: p_master->load_active()
This is the same. The table aren't create for the lenght of column
CheeRees wrote:There is a LOT of bugs :?
Please enable in your config file

Code: Select all

@define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
@define('DEBUG', true);
@define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
And then look :lol:
Is a installer problem. Just make the table via phpmyadmin
Bdrunkz wrote:Help

I already downloaded the mod form http://www.phprivals.com/?class=download

I know that you have to place these edits in the location of UCP,ACP, and so on. But inside these files, where exactly do you place each edit?

Code: Select all


'UCP_CAT_RIVALS'            => 'Clan Control Panel',
   'UCP_RIVALS_ADD_CHALLENGE'      => 'Add a Challenge',
   'UCP_RIVALS_CHALLENGES'         => 'Manage Challenges',
   'UCP_RIVALS_GROUP_MEMBERS'      => 'Manage Members',
    'UCP_RIVALS_INVITE_MEMBERS'      => 'Invita membro',
   'UCP_RIVALS_INVITE_MEMBERS_IMG' => 'invitamembri-en.png',
   'UCP_RIVALS_PENDING_MEMBERS'   => 'amministramembri-en.png',
   'UCP_RIVALS_EDIT_GROUP'         => 'Edit Clan',
   'UCP_RIVALS_FIND_GROUP'         => 'Find a Clan',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MAIN'            => 'Main Page',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MATCHCOMM'         => 'MatchComm',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MATCHES'         => 'Manage Matches',
   'UCP_RIVALS_MATCH_FINDER'      => 'Match Finder',
   'UCP_RIVALS_TICKET'            => 'Issue a Ticket',
   'UCP_RIVALS_TOURNAMENTS'      => 'Manage Tournaments' )



'ACP_CAT_RIVALS'            => 'phpRivals Mod',
   'ACP_RIVALS'               => 'phpRivals Mod',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_LADDER'         => 'Add a Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_SEASON'         => 'Add a Season',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_SEASON'      => 'Edit Season',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_PLATFORM'      => 'Add a Platform',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_TOURNAMENT'      => 'Add a Tournament',
   'ACP_RIVALS_CONFIGURE'         => 'Configure',
   'ACP_RIVALS_MANAGE_SEASONS'      => 'Manage Seasons',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_BRACKETS'      => 'Edit Brackets',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_GROUPS'      => 'Edit Clans',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_LADDERS'      => 'Edit Ladders',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_LADDER'      => 'Edit Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_SUBLADDER'      => 'Edit Sub-Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_PLATFORMS'      => 'Edit Platforms',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_TOURNAMENT'   => 'Edit Tournament',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_TOURNAMENTS'   => 'Edit Tournaments',
   'ACP_RIVALS_MAIN'            => 'Main Page',
   'ACP_RIVALS_REPORT_MATCH'      => 'Report a Match',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MVP'           => 'Edit user MVPs',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ADD_MVP_LIST'       => 'Add a MVP chart',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MVP_LIST'      => 'Edit MVP chart',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_RULES'         => 'Edit Ladder Rules',
   'ACP_RIVALS_CONFIG_DECERTO'     => 'Set Decertos\'s Ladder',
   'ACP_RIVALS_EDIT_MATCH'         => 'Del a war',
   'acl_a_rivals'      => array('lang' => 'Can view phpRivals Mod admin', 'cat' => 'misc'),
   'ACP_RIVALS_SEED_TOURNAMENT'   => 'Seed Tournament' )



'COF_SI' => 'Level: CoFounder',
   'COF_NO' => 'Level: Member',
   'ASSIGN_AS_COLEADER' => 'Assign user like Clan\'s CoFounder',
   'MEMBER_UPDATE_LIKE_COFOUNDER' => 'This user now is a CoFounder',
   'DA_TEMPO' => 'War\'s old age:',
   'STATUS' => 'Status:',
   'CARATTERISTICHE' => 'Kind of Ladder:',
   'COMBATTENTI' => 'Clans of wars:',
   'VITTORIOSO' => 'Win by:',
   'LEGENDA_COFOUNDER' => 'A user set CoFounder can remove others members from the clan, add members, starts a war against others clans',
   'NOAZIONE' => 'No action',
   'MEMBER_UPDATED' => 'Members list update',
   'NU' => 'N&#183;',
   'UTENTE' => 'User',
   'CLAN' => 'Clan',
   'REGISTRATO' => 'Playing from',
   'MVP' => 'MVP',
   'GIOCANDO_PER' => 'With Clan: ',
   'DAL' => 'From: ',
   'NO_MEMBERS_MVP' => 'Any user with MVPs found',
   'GROUP_SITO' => 'Clan\'s Site: ',
   'EDIT_MVP_LEGENDA' => 'Add the clan ID for limit at the users in that clan',
   'MVP_BASE_USER' => 'Courrent MVP',
   'A_CUI_SOMMO' => 'Add this value: ',
   'MVP_MENU' => 'Top MVP',
   'L_NONCLASSIFICATA' => '<i>(unranked)</i>',
   'MVPLIST_NAME' => 'MVP chart name',
   'MVPLIST_DESC' => 'MVP chart descrition',
   'MVPLIST_PLATFORM' => 'Number of linked platform',
   'MVPLIST_PLATFORM_ISTR' => '[Example] The "Number of linked platform" is that in the url below was in bold style:<br>
   'MVPLIST_LADDER' => 'Number of linked ladder',
   'MVPLIST_LADDER_ISTR' => '[Example] The "Number of linked ladder" is that in the url below was in bold style:<br>
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_MVP_DESC' => 'TOP MVP chart listed by ladders. For to appear here you must have MVP > 0.',
   'CLAN_ATTENDI_WAR' => 'Clans ready for wars',
   'AZIONE' => 'Action',
   'SU_LADDER' => 'On ladder',
   'FINO_ALLE' => 'Till to',
   'GROUP_POSITION' => 'Ladder Rank',
   'CERCA_WAR_AGGIUNGITI' => 'Use the form below for propose yourself for a war!',
   'DOVE_CERCHI' => 'War on: ',
   'TRA_QUANTO' => 'Wait for: ',
   'NOUWAR' => 'Any clans are looking for a war',
   'SFIDA' => 'sfidap-en.png',
   'IL_CLAN' => 'The Clan',
   'DICE_DI_AVER_VINTO' => 'have reported a victory agaist you',
   'A' => 'to',
   'PUNTEGGIO' => 'War points',
   'TU' => 'You =',
   'ALTRO' => 'Other =',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_RANDOM' => 'Maps of the day',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_RANDOM_DESC' => 'This map, circuit, other, are the map of the day. All data change automatically.',
   'NO_GIOCO_RANDOM' => 'Any games registered',
   'RULES_IMG' => 'rules_en.jpg',
   'ACP_RIVALS_NEW_RULES' => 'Add rules page to a ladder',
   'PLATFORM_ID' => 'ID Platform',
   'LADDER_ID' => 'ID Ladder',
   'CREA_NUOVA' => 'Add new rules page',
   'ACP_RIVALS_ALTRO_RULES' => 'Edit or delete a rules page',
   'LEGENDA_TEXTAREA' => 'The textarea form allow html language. For text formatting you can use this commands:<br /><br /><b>TEXT</b> for bold text<br />
   <i>TEXT</i> for italic text<br>
    <u>TEXT</u> for underscored text <br>
    <p align="center">TEXT</p> for center <i>-> [right, left]</i><br>
    <font size="NUMBER">TEXT</font><br>
    <font color="COLOR">TEXT</font> for text color<br>
    <i> -> [red: #FF0000, blue: #0000FF, yellow: #FFFF00, green: #00FF00, white: #FFFFFF, black: #000000, etc...]</i>',
   'REQUISITI' => 'Subscription rules',
   'REG_GENERALI' => 'General rules',
   'CONFIG' => 'Configuration for Clan War',
   'VIETATO' => 'It\'s forbidden',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_RULES_LADDER' => 'Rules for ladder',
   'NO_RULES' => '<br />This ladder have no rules<br /><br />',
   'RULES_CHART_ADDED' => 'Chart rule added',
   'RULES_CHART_UPDATED' => 'Chart rule updated',
   'RULES_CHART_DELETED' => 'Chart rule deleted',
   'PLATFORM_UPDATED' => 'Platform updated',
   'MPV_LIST_ADDED' => 'MVP Chart added',
   'TITOLO_PAGINA_UWAR' => 'Latest Wars',
   'NO_UWAR' => 'Any war are still played',
   'CLAN_TEMPO' => 'Clan - Date',
   'PUNTEGGIO_PARZIALE' => 'Detailed score',
   'CERCA_E_DISTRUGGI' => 'Seed and Destroy on',
   'DOMINIO' => 'Demolition on',
   'BANDIERA' => 'Capture the flag su',
   'DECERTO_UPDATED' => 'Decerto id updated',
   'CONFIGURE_DECERTO' => 'Set the ladder where the system Decerto is active',
   'U_SFIDA' => 'WAR',
   'SFIDA_ACCETTATA' => 'Challange accepted',
   'NON_SFIDARE_TE_STESSO' => 'You can\'t challange yourself!',
   'MOTIVO_ANINIMI' => '* Yes, the name of clan that are looking for a war aren\'t visible. We think that it\'s useful for ensure the war for best clans too<br />',
   'ORDINE_GIOCO' => 'Games order:',
   'CED_SHORT' => 'S&D',
   'DOMINIO_SHORT' => 'Demolition',
   'BANDIERA_SHORT' => 'Capt. Flag',
   'FONDATORE' => 'Level: Founder',
   'GROUP_DELETED' => 'Clan deleted',
   'COFONDATORE_ALTRO_CLAN' => 'A user that you have selected is just founder o cofounder in other clan. You can promote in your clan',
   'PUNTI_VINCITORE' => 'Winner score',
   'PUNTI_PERDENTE' => 'Loser score',
   'COMPILA_SOLO_SE' => 'The form below will appear only if the ladder is DECERTO',
   'LADDER_LIST_IMPORTANTE' => '<b>Your clan isn\'t on the list below? It\'s because you aren\'t in any ladder.<br><br>
  JOIN RIGHT NOW IN A LADDER! <a href="./rivals.php?action=platforms"><u>CLICK HERE</u></a></b>',
    'ATTIVO' => 'active',
   'NON_ATTIVO' => 'unactive',
   'LISTA_CLAN_COMPLETA'  => 'Clans full list',
   'LISTA_CLAN_COMPLETA_DESC' => 'if you\'re unactive you must join in a ladder',
   'ROLE' => 'Level',
   'COF_SI_SHORT' => 'CoFounder',
   'COF_NO_SHORT' => 'Member',
   'FONDATORE_SHORT' => 'Founder',
   'LEGENDA' => '<h2>Icons legend</h2>',
   'CORONA' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with best difference between wins and lose match. If win against it you will get extra points!',
   'TOMBA' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with worst difference between wins and lose match.',
   'CALDO' => 'Clan in wins serie. If win against it you will get extra points!',
   'FREDDO' => 'Clan in lossless serie.',
   'LADDER_STATUS' => 'Activity',
   'LADDER_GROUP_PARI' => 'Draws',
   'PAREGGIO' => 'Draw',
   'LADDER_GROUP_GOAL_FATTI' => 'Goals done',
   'LADDER_GROUP_GOAL_SUBITI' => 'Goals p.up',
   'LEG_CAPOCAN' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with best difference between Goals done and Goals putted up.',
   'LEG_PIUGOAL' => 'Who have this icon is the Clan with worst difference between Goals done and Goals putted up.',
   'PAVIDO' => '<i>Clan deleted</i>',
   'GROUP_UNDELETABLE' => 'Your clan has played 5 or more wars. For save the site stats you can\'t delete it.<br />
   If you want restart with other clan you must create new one.',
   'REPORTED_MATCHES_CALCIO' => 'Reported wars of ladder with Football rules',
   'UNREPORTED_MATCHES_CALCIO' => 'Unreported wars of ladder with Football rules',
   'HA_RIPORTATO_IL_RISULTATO' => 'has reported a result of:',
   'CONFIRM_CALCIO' => 'Confirm',
   'CONTEST_CALCIO' => 'Constest',
   'MAPSET' => '<br />Mapset:',
   'REPORT_CALCIO' => 'Report match',
   'STANDARD_LADDER' => 'Standard Ladder',
   'DECERTO_LADDER' => 'Ladder with Decerto rules (FPS)',
   'CPC_LADDER' => 'Ladder with CPC rules (FPS)',
   'CALCIO_LADDER' => 'Football ladder',
   'LEGENDA_LADDER' => '<b><u>Those are the kind of ladder selectable with their differences:</b></u><br />
   STANDARD = Standard ladder for all games.<br />
   DECERTO = Shows 3 game modes (Seek and Destroy, Demolition, Capture the Flag) random, on random map.<br />
   CPC = Shows 3 random maps.<br />
   CALCIO = Special point and rank system that allow draws results. Goals maked and goals putted up are used for calculate the score.
   <br />',
   'MATCH_DELETED' => 'Match deleted.<br />If it was a classified one the clan\'s scores will be adjusted too',
   'EDIT_MATCH' => 'Del a war entries',
   'EDIT_MATCH_EXP' => 'Del illegittimate wars, but remember: if are classified wars the clan\'s scores for that ladder will be modified',
   'NON_SEI_NELLA_LADDER' => 'You can\'t challange clans in ladders where you aren\'t joined before',
   'HAI_UN_MATCH_IN_CERCA' => 'You are looking for a war on',
   'CLAN_ATTENDI_WAR_IO' => 'Your war finding',
   'NOUWAR_IO' => 'You aren\'t finding any war rightnow',
See the installer xml.
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Soshen »

Last edited by Soshen on Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by CheeRees »

Are you testing it? For me :arrow:

Code: Select all

[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2574: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2576: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2574: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2576: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2574: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2576: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2574: Undefined index: TEXT:
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /umil/umil.php on line 2576: Undefined index: TEXT:
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3

Post by Soshen »

I've fixed the installer, and some debug error.
90% are problem of eng lang definition, strange.

Tomorrow i post the fixed files.
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

Installer Fixed. Redownload please and test it.
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Mess »

Soshen wrote:Installer Fixed. Redownload please and test it.
Thanks, I'm testing. Most of the bugs persists while installing with AutoMod.
The following code needs to be removed from the install.xml to even complete the install with autoMod.

Code: Select all

		<open src="language/it/common.php">
				<action type="replace-with"><![CDATA[// phpRival Mod addon

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
	'RIVALS_GROUPCP' => 'Amministra Clan',
	'RIVALS_PLATFORMS' => 'Ladders',
	'RIVALS_ADDGROUP' => 'Crea un Clan',
	'RIVALS_GROUPLIST' => 'Lista clan attivi',
	'UWAR_MENU' => 'Ultime War',
	'XBOX_LIVE' => 'XboX Live Tag',
	'SCEGLI' => 'Scegli sito',
	'NOME_CLAN' => 'Nome Clan',
	'ID_CLAN' => 'ID corrispettiva al clan',
	'MVP_PROFILE' => 'Numero MVP ottenuti',
	'MVP_TOPIC' => 'Numero MVP totali',
	'NESSUNO' => 'Nessuno',
	'MVP_MENU' => 'Top MVP',
	'RIVALS_RANDOM' => 'Mappe del giorno',
	'LIST_FULL' => 'Lista clan',
	'UCP_GAMER_NAME' => 'Gamer Name',
	'GAMER_NAME_EXPLAIN' => 'Il nickname che usate sul Live XboX, su PSN, sulla Wii, su X-Fire ecc...', 
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Re: [RC] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

Most of the bugs persists while installing with AutoMod.
Well cose you dont have italian language.
But it's strange. When i try with all latest version, it say me a warning but go on.

I've tested right now the installer with it language too and dont report me any errors.

Try to copy your en directory and raname it with "it".

I hope that exist a solution different to make two version (only eng & ita+eng)

I'm waiting for your test, thanks again.
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Coert »

The edit rules works fine, but there are still many language bugs in the interface.

It's nice to see you put content in tables, but it would be even better if you used the style's backgrounds and borders etc. That way it easily adapts into any style.
Version: 3.0.8 | Template: Prosilver Special Edition | Language: English
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Re: [BETA] phpRivals mod 1.0.3-bfix

Post by Soshen »

Can you list me language bugs?
I've post eng language file for fix it, before :roll:

Well i've added a css dedicate for easy change the style of table for everyone.
Are only 3 find and remplace :)

But if you think that maybe it's better parse color from non table style i can try to do that.
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