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Wayn3 wrote:some time ago everything was fine ... I installed thanks_mod language and buttons do not appear ... When I was choosing to Board Settings Language - en ... ... it's automatticly choosen en_US and I do this again .. and it's happening again... What can i do ?
i am using persian language but i can not post anything in persian it says Incorrect string value: '\xDA\xA9\xD8\xA7\xD9\x85...' for column 'post_text' at row 1 [1366]
but when i post in english everything is ok
what should i do?
i just downloaded the correct version of mysql_upgrader and i commented the line die,and then i uploaded to my root directory and i Browse to this file in my web browser via its URI and i still have the same problem i cant post in persian language and i still can not creat any forume in persian language and it says
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]
Incorrect string value: '\xDA\xA9\xD8\xA7\xD9\x85...' for column 'forum_name' at row 1 [1366]
INSERT INTO phpbb_forums (parent_id, forum_type, forum_status, forum_parents, forum_name, forum_link, forum_desc, forum_desc_uid, forum_desc_options, forum_desc_bitfield, forum_rules, forum_rules_uid, forum_rules_options, forum_rules_bitfield, forum_rules_link, forum_image, forum_style, display_subforum_list, display_on_index, forum_topics_per_page, enable_indexing, enable_icons, enable_prune, prune_days, prune_viewed, prune_freq, forum_options, forum_flags, left_id, right_id) VALUES (0, 1, 0, '', 'کامپیوتر', '', 'مباحث مرتبط با کامپیوتر و الکترونیک در این قسمت قرار می گیرد', '', 7, '', '', '', 7, '', '', '', 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 7, 7, 1, 0, 48, 5, 6)
cyruslive wrote:dear
i just downloaded the correct version of mysql_upgrader and i commented the line die,and then i uploaded to my root directory and i Browse to this file in my web browser via its URI and i still have the same problem
You have to do more than browse to the file. Did you follow all the instructions in the article? The output from when you browse to the file has to be run on the database via phpMyAdmin or whatever database management tool you use.
I just browse to the file via my browser.do you mean that i need to browse through phpmyadmin??if yes how?
ok i got it you mean after the query has been run through browser now i should go to phpmy admin!!!!
but what should i do with php myadmin?
ok i will come back later
The mysql upgrader affects more than one row and it doesn't create anything, so it makes me wonder what you have done.
When you run the mysql upgrader, it outputs a screen of text. You copy this screen of text using <ctrl>+A, <ctrl>+C. You then paste this into the phpMyAdmin SQL window of your database.
ok i think this was the proplem
you i should copy all the text from mysql upgrader into the php my admin???
but in the instruction it was written only insert this:
INSERT INTO phpbb_config (config_name, config_value) values("allow_userbar_upload", "1");
so i need to insert all that text???
I will do it.
i will be back
thank you
thank you very much
now i can post in persian and i can creat persian forum.
thank you so much.
i think so many people have my problem because in the instruction it doesn't explain very well.
thank you
What did you run in phpMyAdmin? It seems you didn't run the output from the appropriate mysql_upgrader.php file as explained in this article, Doesn't have a default value errors.