[RC] Classifieds MOD 2.0.0

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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by blueroomhermit »

Oyabun1 wrote:
blueroomhermit wrote:Thanks for any help that anyone can give.
If your board doesn't use the prosilver style you need to make the style edits and additions to whichever style you do use and then refresh the style components.
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply. The style I use is Art Elegance Black. I did change to Prosilver just to see if the Classified link showed up and it did! However, clicking the link returns the message:


You are not authorised to access this area.

I am logged in as the administrator so I am guessing that I have to set some special permissions somewhere? I have gone to the permissions area but I don't see anywhere to set permissions for classifieds. Maybe I am on the wrong track?
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by blueroomhermit »

OK, i have found the answer myself. For anyone else struggling with this:

Go to ACP - Permissions - Group Permissions - Select a usergroup - Click Advanced Permissions - There is a Classifieds tab.
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by blueroomhermit »

I do have another question. I am trying to do the edits to my chosen style. However, some of the code to select and find in the Prosilver templates doesn't exist in Art Elegance Black or Green Vision, to name just two. Does this mean that the mod just won't work with some styles?
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Kamahl19 »

I am working on Classifieds MOD again! I took version 1.2.1 which I never released, changed it to 2.0.0 and began with bigger changes. I am cleaning the MOD, removing useless features, fixing bugs, improving uploading images etc. I want to improve it before working on phpBB 3.1 version. There wont be major visual changes, but many things will be rewritten so I decided to call it version 2.

Today, I removed several useless settings from ACP, completely rewrote English in ACP, because it was very poor and sometimes not really understandable. I also simplified install script. It will be possible to update only from 1.2.0. If someone will want to update from older versions, he will have to update to 1.2.0 at first. Right now, I am working on ACP module Categories management, because it was really horrible.
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by wintstar »

wintstar wrote:
wintstar wrote:Classified Addon Shipping
Adds the Mod a "Shipping costs" field. In the ACP, this can be set as required. Tested with version 1.2.0

Download: http://wintstar.de/classifies-versand-feld-addon-1-0-1/
Kamahl19 wrote:Nice, can I include it in next version ?

Will be integrated my addon "Shipping costs" into 2.0?
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Kamahl19 »

I really dont remember what was that addon about. Could you please describe it for me?
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by wintstar »

Classified Addon Shipping
Adds the Mod a "Shipping costs" field. In the ACP, this can be set as required.

Screenshort look here http://wintstar.de/classifies-versand-feld-addon-1-0-1/
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Kamahl19 »

Yes I read that but I need detailed info. What does it do.
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by wintstar »

It's about the details of the shipping cost when creating an ad.
Adds the mod Classifieds MOD 1.2.0 a "free shipping" field. In the ACP, this can be set as required field.
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Holger »

Great news Kamahl!
Keep up the great work!
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by smiesek »

Is this bug correct please?
shortcut1190 wrote:
Blue Blood wrote:Classifieds MOD 1.0.0 Viewtopic Plug-in


This will integrate Classifieds MOD 1.0.0 into your viewtopic.

OPEN: language\en\common.php

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

//-- mod start : BB Classifieds Viewtopic Plug-in
'CLASSIFIEDS_ADS'	=>	'Classifieds',
'VIEW_USERS_ADS'    => 'View Ads',
//-- mod finish : BB Classifieds Viewtopic Plug-in
OPEN: viewtopic.php

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

//-- mod start : BB Classifieds Viewtopic Plug-in
function user_total_ads($user_id)
	global $db, $user, $config, $phpEx, $phpbb_root_path, $auth, $template;
	$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(ad_id) AS number_active 
			WHERE ad_status = ' . ACTIVE . ' 
				AND ad_expire > ' . time() . ' 
				AND ad_poster_id = ' . $user_id;
	$result = $db->sql_query($sql);
	$total_active = $db->sql_fetchfield('number_active');

	$ads_link = append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}buysell/index.$phpEx", 'mode=viewuser&user='.$user_id);
	$line = '<strong><a href="' . $ads_link . '">' . $user->lang['VIEW_USERS_ADS'] . ' (' . $total_active . $user->lang['ACTIVE_AD'] . ')' . '</a></strong>';
    	'USER_ADVERTISEMENTS'    => $line,
	    'S_ENABLE_CLASSIFIEDS'  => $config['enable_classifieds'],

//-- mod finish : BB Classifieds Viewtopic Plug-in
OPEN: styles\prosilver\template\viewtopic_body.html

Code: Select all

		<!-- IF postrow.POSTER_FROM --><dd><strong>{L_LOCATION}:</strong> {postrow.POSTER_FROM}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->

Code: Select all

        <!-- IF S_ENABLE_CLASSIFIEDS --><dd><strong>{L_CLASSIFIEDS_ADS}:</strong> {USER_ADVERTISEMENTS}</dd><!-- ENDIF -->
That's it!!!
Thanks for shareing this beautifull tip, i have just one issue ...

user_total_ads($user->data['user_id']); --> this always return my own id.
Anynone know how can i fix this ?

Best regards

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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Holger »

Kamahl19 wrote:I am working on Classifieds MOD again! I took version 1.2.1 which I never released, changed it to 2.0.0 and began with bigger changes. I am cleaning the MOD, removing useless features, fixing bugs, improving uploading images etc. I want to improve it before working on phpBB 3.1 version. There wont be major visual changes, but many things will be rewritten so I decided to call it version 2.

Today, I removed several useless settings from ACP, completely rewrote English in ACP, because it was very poor and sometimes not really understandable. I also simplified install script. It will be possible to update only from 1.2.0. If someone will want to update from older versions, he will have to update to 1.2.0 at first. Right now, I am working on ACP module Categories management, because it was really horrible.
Keep up the great work!
I have been using the mod for a very long time.
Regarding the picture upload: would you be interested in using a mod called UploadPic?
I used it in my phpBB2-forum and I asked Oxpus to port it for my phpBB3-forum.
I could give you the code to have a look.
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Kamahl19 »


I dont know what UploadPic is. I am using Uploadify jQuery script with my own php script. However Uploadify is not the best option..
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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by sinamics »


is it possible to show new Classifieds in the portal3 board(recent post)?
Any help is much appreciated. :)

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Re: [RC] Classifieds MOD 1.2.0

Post by Kamahl19 »

I can create a custom blog for you. Contact me vie email [email protected] .

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