I humbly disagree.Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:I would also say, "it's 2011" let's get over this and realize that "pretty urls" is a thing of the past.
While URLs are becoming less significant for users, the web is moving towards embracing HTTP. This can be observed by the whole 'REST' movement, Symfony2 building strong on top of HTTP with caching and ESI.
So what does it mean? It means using the capabilities of HTTP. Such as alternate request methods (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE). Alternate request and response formats.
So why does this matter? The formats are specifically where this gets really interesting. Let's say you request a topic, but ask for a `application/json` content type (by specifying an accept header). The server notices this and returns the topic encoded as JSON. This could also be XML. Now, you can do the same for creating a reply to a topic. Make a POST request to (for example) `/posts/new`, with a request body of
{"topic_id": "4", "body": "My new post..."}
Well, this adds an API to any board, allowing services to interact with it. And that, imo, is huge.