Code: Select all
'MEGHIVO_REGISTRATION' => '<center><span class="meghivo_error">Currently registration to our site is by invitation only!</span></center>',
'MEGHIVO_KEY_ERROR' => '<center><span class="meghivo_error">The invitation is not valid!</span></center>',
'MEGHIVO_TIME_END' => '<center><span class="meghivo_error">The invitation has expired!</span></center>',
'MEGHIVO_PETITION' => 'Invitation request received! Current number of requests: <b>%s</b> invite(s).',
'MEGHIVO_PETITIONS' => 'Invitation request received! Current number of requests: <b>%s</b> invite(s).',
'MEGHIVO_INVITED' => 'Invited',
'MEGHIVO_DELETE_SUCCES' => 'Your invitation was successfully deleted.',
'MEGHIVO_NOTI_SUBJECT' => 'System message',
'MEGHIVO_BIRTHDAY' => 'We have sent %s invite(s) on your birthday.<br /><br />We wish you a happy birthday!',
'MEGHIVO_POINTS_PRESENT' => 'For %s invitation we sent %s %s !',
'MEGHIVO_INVITES' => 'Invited',
'MEGHIVO_PERSON' => '%s person(s)',
'MEGHIVO_USER_DB' => 'Invite (%s)',
'MEGHIVO_EMAIL_BLOCK' => ' • <span class="meghivo_tred">Blocked!</span>'
Code: Select all
'UCP_USER_MEGHIVO' => 'Invitation',
// modul
'UCP_MEGHIVO_ADAT' => 'Invitation details',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KULDES' => 'Send invitation',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DELETE' => 'Delete invitation',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES' => 'Invitation request',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_USER' => 'Invited users',
// adat
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_SZAM' => 'Invitation number',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_SZAM_EXPLAIN' => 'Your sendable Invitations',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_SDB' => 'invite(s).',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB' => '<b>%s invite(s).</b>',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_MAX' => '<span class="meghivo_tred">Unlimited!</span>',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_USER' => 'Invited user',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_USERS_EXPLAIN' => 'The number of your users has been invited.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_KULDES' => 'Sendable invitations per day',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_KULDES_EXPLAIN' => 'Maximum number of invitations per day you can send out.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DAYF' => 'Invitations sent today',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DAYF_EXPLAIN' => 'The invitations that you sent today.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KULDES_MAX' => '<span class="meghivo_tred">Currently there is no limit!</span>',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_PENDING' => 'Pending invitations',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DB_PENDING_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can see how many invited users have not registered.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_TIME_END' => 'Expiration time',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_TIME_END_EXPLAIN' => 'The invited user have to register during this time.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_UT_REG_INFO' => '<b>%s</b> registered %s',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_UT_REG' => 'Last user',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_UT_REG_EXPLAIN' => 'Last user from your invitations.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_REG' => 'You were not invited by anyone.',
// kikuldes
'UCP_MEGHIVO_MAX_RECIPIENTS' => 'Type all addresses in a new line!<br />Maximum number of recipients',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_MESSAGE_BODY_EXPLAIN' => 'Write a few lines why he/she should join.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_SEND_SUBMIT' => 'Send invitation',
'POST_CONFIRM_EXPLAIN' => 'Typing the code prevents the automatic invitation of bots. You can find the code in the following picture. If you cannot read the code because of visual or other problems please contact with %sforum administrator%s.',
// delete
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DELETE_EXPLAIN' => 'Here you can delete your invitations that were sent to wrong addresses.<br /><i>Within %s minutes after the send time.</i>',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EMAIL_SELECT' => 'Invitation selection',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EMAIL_SELECT_EXPLAIN' => 'Choose the one you want to delete from your recipients.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NOT_DELETED_INVITE' => 'There is no invitation to delete!',
// keres
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_TITLE' => 'Required invitation',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_TITLE_EXPLAIN' => 'Enter the number of invitations you want to request. Maximum <b>(%s)</b> invitations available.<br />You take responsibility for your invited user(s) if the invited user(s) does inappropriate incidents.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_SOK_EXPLAIN' => 'When sending more than <b>(%s)</b> invitations, an explanation to the admin is necessary. Please explain why you need so many invitations.<br />If we think your request is acceptable, we will give the invitations to you. If we encounter abuse, it can be grounds to ban your account.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_OFF' => 'Your invitation request is pending. When an Administrator/Moderator evaluate your request, you will recieve a personal messege.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_SUBMIT' => 'Send request',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EMAIL_KERES_EXPLAIN' => 'Write a few lines why you need so many invitations.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_NO_MES' => 'You did not write a message! Without an explanation you can not claim so many invitations.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_MESSAGE_NO_DB' => '<i>No! There was no need.</i>',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_REQUEST_SUBJECT' => 'Invitation request',
// keres cost
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUY_TITLE' => 'Invitation buying',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUY_SUBT' => 'Invitation you want to buy',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUY_SUBT_EXPLAIN' => 'Type the number of invitations you want to buy. Invitation price <b>%s %s</b>.<br />You take responsibility for your invited user(s) if the invited user(s) does inappropriate incidents.',
// user_list
'UCP_MEGHIVO_USER_OK' => 'Invitation accepted',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_INVITE_USERS' => 'Currently you have not invited anyone.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_LAST_ACTIVE' => 'Last active',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_LOGIN' => 'He/she has not registered at this site.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_USERS_COUNT' => 'Invited users (%s)',
// points
'UCP_MEGHIVO_POINTS_COST' => 'Invitation\'s price',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_POINTS_COST_EXPLAIN' => 'Buy the case, it will be the price of an invitation.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_POINTS_AMOUNT_EXPLAIN' => 'By yourself invited and registered user due gift.',
// trigger
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DISABLED' => 'The invitation system is switched off!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_BACK' => '<br /><br />%sBack to the user control panel%s',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_DISABLED' => 'The request is switched off!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_PERM_EMAIL' => 'You are not authorized to send e-mail!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_PERM' => 'You are not authorized to send invitation!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EMAIL_DISABLED' => 'The email service is disabled!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_EMAIL_BOARD' => 'The email service is disabled through the forum!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_MIN' => 'Minimum number of requests (1) piece !',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUY_MIN' => 'Minimum (1) invitation buy!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUY_NO' => 'You have not got enough %s for shopping! You have got %s %s currently.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUY_SUCCES' => 'Invitation buying is successful.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_BUYS_SUCCES' => 'Invitations buying is successful.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_MAX' => 'Maximum number of requests (%s) invite(s)!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NULL' => 'You don\'t have any invitations!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_FLOOD_LIMIT' => 'You can not send more invitations. Please try again later.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NOT_LANGUAGE' => 'Non-existent language file: %s',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EMAIL_SENT' => 'The invitation has been successfully sent!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EMAILS_SENT' => 'The invitations have been successfully sent!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_SUCC' => 'The invitation request has been successfully sent!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KERES_SUCCS' => 'The invitation requests has been successfully sent!.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_NO_EMAIL' => 'You have not provided an e-mail address!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_KULDES_EMAIL_MAX' => 'Maximum %s e-mail addresses can be used. However you listed %s!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DAY_OFF' => 'We are not sending out any more invitations today!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_FUG_LIMIT' => 'Only %s invitations can be sent out today. However you listed %s recipients.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DUP' => 'The e-mail address has already been sent out inviting. -> %s',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_EDUP' => 'An e-mail address repeatedly granted. -> %s',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DELETE_NO_CONFIRM' => 'The deletion was not confirmed!',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_DELETE_SUCCES' => 'The invitation deleted successfully.',
'UCP_MEGHIVO_MAX_ERROR' => 'Currently, you have got unlimited invitations, so there is no need to request.',
// log
'LOG_MEGHIVO_KULDES' => '<strong>Send invitation.</strong><br />» Email Address:%s',
'LOG_MEGHIVO_DELETE' => '<strong>Invitation deletion.</strong><br />» Email Address:%s',
'WEEKS' => 'Weeks',
'NO_RECIPIENT' => 'Error! Not reciptent!',
Code: Select all
{USERNAME} has invited you to sign up at the "{SITENAME}" website.
Click the link below to register.
The invitation's expiration date is ({INVITE_TIME_END}). Once the expiration period is over, the invitation will be deleted!
If you would like to decline this invitation, you can ignore this email or click on the following link to delete it.
{USERNAME}'s massage:
If the message is offensive to you or any other offensive remarks included, please contact the site administrator on
the following e-mail address: {BOARD_CONTACT}
Attach this message with the letter (make sure to contain the header).
This letter's return addresses is set on {USERNAME}'s e-mail address, so he gets the answer.
Webpage link: {U_BOARD}
Code: Select all
Invitation request received from {USERNAME} user. Number of requested invitations: {MEGHIVO_DB} invite(s).
Webpage link: {U_BOARD}
i too want knowSuperFedya wrote:Why there is no invitation code that users can enter when he's register? It's much more comfortable than email.