You can fix this problem by applying these changes: M. wrote:Any chance to have all BBcodes ? (IMG and URL are missing)
You can fix this problem by applying these changes: M. wrote:Any chance to have all BBcodes ? (IMG and URL are missing)
A big thanks !_Vinny_ wrote:You can fix this problem by applying these changes: M. wrote:Any chance to have all BBcodes ? (IMG and URL are missing)
I've no PHP skills, can you explain to me what's your modification should solve ?ABDev wrote:Hey,
I found another small error :
Code: Select all
# #-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------------ # blog.php # #-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------------ # $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(cmnt_id) AS cmnt_count FROM ' . BLOG_CMNTS_TABLE . ' WHERE cmnt_blog_id = \'' . $blog_id . '\' ' . (($perm != true) ? 'AND cmnt_approved = \'1\'' : ''); # #-----[ REPLACE WITH ]---------------------------------------- # $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(cmnt_id) AS cmnt_count FROM ' . BLOG_CMNTS_TABLE . ' WHERE cmnt_blog_id = ' . $blog_id . (($perm != true) ? ' AND cmnt_approved = 1' : ''); # #-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]-------------------------------- # # EoM
What are you replying to here?ABDev wrote:Integers were processed in the same way as strings. So they shouldn't ...
He was saying that we shouldn't have been checking the id as a string (see the find/replace instructions on the previous page).MichaelC wrote:What are you replying to here?ABDev wrote:Integers were processed in the same way as strings. So they shouldn't ...
Mathieu M. wrote:Hello,
I'm working on a template for my website and would apply a specific CSS class when user is viewing one category of your MOD... Is it possible to get something like<!-- IF SCRIPT_NAME eq blog and BLOG_CAT_ID eq 1 --> class="current"<!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Select all
phpBB Blog System
PHP Version: 5.3.15
DBMS: MySQL(i) 5.5.23-55
phpBB3 Version: 3.0.11
Adding new config variable: blog_description
ERROR: Config variable blog_description already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_short_msg
ERROR: Config variable blog_short_msg already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_title
ERROR: Config variable blog_title already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_postlimit
ERROR: Config variable blog_postlimit already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_cmntlimit
ERROR: Config variable blog_cmntlimit already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_on already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_off_msg
ERROR: Config variable blog_off_msg already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_act_name
ERROR: Config variable blog_act_name already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_cat_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_cat_on already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_tag_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_tag_on already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_forum_post_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_forum_post_on already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_forum_post_id
ERROR: Config variable blog_forum_post_id already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_forum_post_msg
ERROR: Config variable blog_forum_post_msg already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_rss_feed_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_rss_feed_on already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_bbcode_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_bbcode_on already exists.
Adding new config variable: blog_emote_on
ERROR: Config variable blog_emote_on already exists.
Adding a new database table: blog
ERROR: Database table blog already exists.
Adding a new database table: blog_comments
ERROR: Database table blog_comments already exists.
Adding a new database table: blog_categories
ERROR: Database table blog_categories already exists.
Inserting data in the blog_categories database table.
SQL ERROR Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY'
Adding acp module: ACP_CAT_BLOG
ERROR: Module already exists.
Adding acp module: ACP_BLOG
ERROR: Module already exists.
Adding acp module: ACP_BLOG_OVERVIEW
ERROR: Module already exists.
Adding acp module: ACP_BLOG_MANAGE
ERROR: Module already exists.
Adding acp module: ACP_BLOG_CATS_MANAGE
ERROR: Module already exists.
Adding new permission option: a_blog_manage
ERROR: Permission option a_blog_manage already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_post
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_post already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_post_manage
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_post_manage already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_comment
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_comment already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_approved
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_approved already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_bbcode
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_bbcode already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_emote
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_emote already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_comment_manage
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_comment_manage already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_view
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_view already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_view_full
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_view_full already exists.
Adding new permission option: u_blog_view_comments
ERROR: Permission option u_blog_view_comments already exists.
Code: Select all
$truncate .= $ending;
foreach($openTags as $tag)
$truncate .= '</'.$tag.'>';
$template->assign_var('S_SHOW_FULL', true);
return $truncate;
Code: Select all
$truncate .= '</'.$tag.'>';
$template->assign_var('S_SHOW_FULL', true);
return $truncate;
Code: Select all
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Unknown column 'cmnts_unapproved' in 'field list' [1054]
UPDATE phpbb_blog SET cmnts_unapproved = cmnts_unapproved + 1, cmnts_approved = cmnts_approved + 1 WHERE blog_id = 2
FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php
LINE: 193
CALL: dbal->sql_error()
FILE: [ROOT]/includes/mods/functions_blog.php
LINE: 348
CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query()
FILE: [ROOT]/blog.php
LINE: 599
CALL: blog::submit_comment()
i10179 wrote:Great Mod. Ive installed it without problems and created two test posts. Works like a charme. Unfortunately Im getting the following error msg when I want to comment a blog post.
Any advice how to fix this? phpBB 3.0.12 and Blog Mod 1.0.3. No other mods are installed.Code: Select all
General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Unknown column 'cmnts_unapproved' in 'field list' [1054] SQL UPDATE phpbb_blog SET cmnts_unapproved = cmnts_unapproved + 1, cmnts_approved = cmnts_approved + 1 WHERE blog_id = 2 BACKTRACE FILE: (not given by php) LINE: (not given by php) CALL: msg_handler() FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php LINE: 757 CALL: trigger_error() FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysql.php LINE: 193 CALL: dbal->sql_error() FILE: [ROOT]/includes/mods/functions_blog.php LINE: 348 CALL: dbal_mysql->sql_query() FILE: [ROOT]/blog.php LINE: 599 CALL: blog::submit_comment()
Best wishes