Icon legend in formal spanish

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Icon legend in formal spanish

Post by Gerrysole »

I couldn't find an icon legend in spanish, so I translated it.

Icon legend in formal spanish

Leyenda de íconos en español formal

- Iconos rojos son items no leídos. Azul o gris significan leídos.
- Un asterisco en un tema significa que se ha publicado en el.

Image - Anuncio
Image - Tema atractivo
Image - Tema leído
Image - Tema no leído
Image - Tema leído donde se ha publicado
Image - Tema no leído donde se ha publicado
Image - Tema caliente
Image - Tema bloqueado
Image - Tema movido
Image - Foro con subforos (que han sido leídos)
Image - Foro con subforos (que no han sido leídos)
Image - Link al foro
Image - Anexo
Image - Ir al último tema leído
Image - Ir al último tema no leído
Image - Subforo leído
Image - Subforo no leído

Last edited by Gerrysole on Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Leyenda de los íconos de phpBB en español formal

Post by Qiaeru »


This is an English speaking community, please write in English, not in Spanish (see this rule).

What is the point of this post? Explain icons?
There is a Spanish translation available here.

Best regards,
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Re: Leyenda de los íconos de phpBB en español formal

Post by camm15h »

Maël Soucaze wrote:This is an English speaking community, please write in English (see this rule).
Echoing the above comment, please alter the parts which don't have to be Spanish to English. :)
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Re: Leyenda de los íconos de phpBB en español formal

Post by Gerrysole »

Maël Soucaze wrote:Hi,

This is an English speaking community, please write in English, not in Spanish (see this rule).

What is the point of this post? Explain icons?
There is a Spanish translation available here.

Best regards,
Ok, sorry for that. Now the title is in english.

I couldn't find the icon legend translated to spanish. The Spanish translation doesn't provide a specific legend for the icons (or I can't find it). So I decided to contribute with a translation in formal spanish.

I tried to erase the topic or move it, as it seems to override forum rules, but I can't. Following the rules, I sent the translation to the Translators team, by e-mail.

Sorry for the mess. I promise to be more careful next time.



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