I'm pleased to announce the release of Raidplanner 1.0.4
Raid management made even easier.™
Raidplanner is a phpBB3 Calendar where you can plan your Guild Raidplans. Uses Jquery Tooltips and Overlays
Requirements: : phpBB 3.0.14, bbDKP 1.4.3
demo :
Supportforum : http://www.bbdkp.com/viewforum.php?f=61
Raidplanner 1.0.4 22-11-2015
- [CHG] target phpbb 3.0.14 and bbdkp 1.4.3
- [FIX] #58: signup sql had wrong join condition
- [FIX] deleting raidplan
- [FIX] pushing raidplan in case point pool is closed
- [FIX] #57 fix Function array dereferencing not being available in php 5.3. causes erratic errors in php < 5.4 (missing signups).
- [FIX] #56File Name and Link Reference case mismatch.
- [FIX] compatible with bbDKP or higher
- [FIX] planner ucp now works.
- [FIX] #54cache queries, remove queries in loops. This release RC2 has up to 80% less SQL queries than RC1 due to caching and removing SQL from a loop block for signups.
- [FIX] modify editing raidplan screen. the tiles were redesigned.
- [FIX] pushing raids to bbDKP now works. a link is shown to the dkp page for that raid.
- [FIX] #52 fix display signoffs
- [FIX] #52 fix can't edit raid roles
- redesign raidplan form, add shadows
- [FIX] #50 font size in block was too high
- [FIX] #42 add bbTips bbcode to Raidplanner.
- [FIX] #49 ajax file should be in super path
- [FIX] fix french translation
- [FIX] #49fix block path
- [FIX] #49 ajax file should be in super path
- [FIX] fix french translation
- [FIX] #49 fix block path
- [FIX] #46 show size of raid team on popup
- [FIX] #41 use explicit getters/setters for the raidplan class
- [NEW] #39 tabbed acp
- [FIX] #38 templating view class split
- [FIX] #37 Viewplanner refactoring
- [FIX] #36 js validation for newteamsize field in raidteam acp
- [FIX] #33 better icons
- [NEW] tabbed interface for ACP, split into 4 modules.
- [FIX] #27 duplicate signups. this was due to the signup object not being rebuilt after displaying the raidplan.
- [FIX] #29 Split Authorisation from Raidplan Class. a new class "RaidAuth" is called from Raidplan class constructor, and checks permissions. local raidplan fields are set by one call with as argument the action that needs checking. advantages: raidplan class has too many responsibilities and checking auth should not be one of them.
- [FIX] #26 No acp error handler for raidteams. now there is js and php validation.
- [FIX] #25 No acp error handler for roles. now there is js and php validation.
- [FIX] #32 upcoming raid, top signup side blocks next to calendar
History and credits
Raidplanner mod was partly made from Alightner's Calendar mod and phpRaider, rewritten and refactored into classes to work with bbDKP.
Description and features
- Hooks into the bbDKP, Raid, Event and Members classes, so bbDKP must be installed before. It has an Automod MODX & UMIL Database installer. No manual installation necessary.
- 3 Raidplan types exist : Public Raidplans (no signup), Raid Raidplans (Signup), and personal Raidplans.
- Raidplan event types are picked from bbDKP. if you need new events, set up one in the event list. Event Icons are shown in the raidplan.
- Support for BBCode and Smilies
- PM on raidplan addition, update, delete
- email on new raid addition, update, delete
- acp setting to enable/disable pm/email
- new buttons for add, edit, push
- export Raidplans as raids in bbDKP
- raid and portal blocks showing upcoming raids, top signups, clock
- clear icons for each function
- comes in English, French and German
- Confirm Raid Raidplans
- Ability to invite multiple groups to an raidplan
- Sign up with your Guild characters to raids
- Follow up to which raid(s) you signed up in UCP.
- with approved, available and not available sections.
- Raidmembers can change their comments, or change their signup from available to not available.
- Raidleaders can approve or deny raidmembers
- tooltip shows current status of your signup
- PM on new signup, update, unsign
- email on new signup, update, unsign
- acp setting to enable/disable pm/email
- pm or/and email is sent on signup & raidplan changes/additions
- Raidplan view - filled with all Raidplan details (who's invited, who created the Raidplan, BBCode, Smilies, start and end times, edit & delete buttons if applicable etc)
- Month View - can jump to any month via next and prev links, or jump randomly via pulldown menus. Lists birthdays, Raidplan types and Raidplan names only. Click on the day's number to add a new Raidplan on that day
- Week View - can jump to any week via next and prev links, or jump randomly via pulldown menus. Lists birthdays, Raidplan types, names, and times. Click on the day's number to add a new Raidplan on that day.
- Day View - can jump to any day via next and prev links, or jump randomly via pulldown menus. Includes a Graphical display of Raidplans on a timeline - lets you quickly see schedule conflicts etc. Lists birthdays, Raidplan types, names, and times. Click on the day's number to add a new Raidplan on that day.
- List of Upcoming Raidplans on index - in the ACP you can specify whether or not you want to display the upcoming Raidplans on the index (and if so how many Raidplans to list). You also have the option to list the current week view on the index.
- Make Raidplans bold if you are Raidplan creator - Let's you quickly see Raidplans most important to you.
- Detailed Permissions - You can control who has permission to view, create, edit, delete, and moderate Raidplans.
- New permission option to invite groups you're not a member of - if this is turned on, you'll be able to create Raidplans for groups you don't belong to, but the author of the Raidplan will always be able to see their own Raidplans - even if they don't belong to the invite list.
- Detailed permissions for ability to create private, group, or public Raidplans - now you can give some users the power to create public Raidplans, and others only permission to create private Raidplans, or whatever combination makes sense for your forum.
- Auto pruning of past Raidplans - From the ACP you control how often Raidplans are pruned, and how old they have to be before they are added to the delete list.
- Custom date/time formatting controlled in calendar ACP - this overwrites the user's preferred date/time format, so you can display just the time in hours where it makes sense (like in the week view) or the whole date+time (like in the display Raidplan)
- UCP module that displays upcoming Raidplans (that the user has registered for) for the next X days.