Hello, is there any google calendar or someway to sync your ingame events with calendar?
We use ingame calendar with Group Calendarr 5 to make our events, and it will be nice with this mod, be able to have them "presented"in our forum. Is that possible yet?
Thnx and keep up the good work, you are the reason actually i abandoned vbulletin, as there is no World of Warcraft supported mods anymore on vb.
* 0.11.0 2014-05-19
* [NEW] tabbed interface for ACP, split into 4 modules.
* [FIX] #27 duplicate signups. this was due to the signup object not being rebuilt after displaying the raidplan.
* [FIX] #29 Split Authorisation from Raidplan Class. a new class "RaidAuth" is called from Raidplan class constructor, and checks permissions. local raidplan fields are set by one call with as argument the action that needs checking. advantages: raidplan class has too many responsibilities and checking auth should not be one of them.
* [FIX] #26 No acp error handler for raidteams. now there is js and php validation.
* [FIX] #25 No acp error handler for roles. now there is js and php validation.
* [FIX] #32 upcoming raid, top signup side blocks next to calendar
* 0.10.0 2014-04-05
* [CHG] adapted to new view bbdkp class
* [NEW] add setting to enable past raids, and set it to default.
* 0.9.0 development version
* [CHG] changed for phpBB 3.0.12
* [CHG] compatible with bbDKP 1.3 class structure
* [CHG] moved to raidplanner namespace
Raidplanner 0.12 2014-06-07
[FIX] #46 show size of raid team on popup
[FIX] #41 use explicit getters/setters for the raidplan class
[NEW] #39 tabbed acp
[FIX] #38 templating view class split
[FIX] #37 Viewplanner refactoring
[FIX] #36 js validation for newteamsize field in raidteam acp
[FIX] #33 better icons