icon path

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icon path

Post by achu68 »

Path locations for the following template variables are affected by this too:

{T_THEME_PATH} - styles/xxx/theme
{T_TEMPLATE_PATH} - styles/xxx/template
{T_SUPER_TEMPLATE_PATH} - styles/xxx/template
{T_IMAGESET_PATH} - styles/xxx/imageset
{T_IMAGESET_LANG_PATH} - styles/xxx/imageset/yy
{T_IMAGES_PATH} - images/
{T_SMILIES_PATH} - $config['smilies_path']/
{T_AVATAR_PATH} - $config['avatar_path']/
{T_AVATAR_GALLERY_PATH} - $config['avatar_gallery_path']/
{T_ICONS_PATH} - $config['icons_path']/
{T_RANKS_PATH} - $config['ranks_path']/
{T_UPLOAD_PATH} - $config['upload_path']/
{T_STYLESHEET_LINK} - styles/xxx/theme/stylesheet.css (or link to style.php if css is parsed dynamically)
New template variable {BOARD_URL} for the board url + script path.
I'm testing the new translated my local language. when i tested all icons missing i found this post but it is not clear for me. my question is i over right my translated icon on the imageset folder but it doesn't work is another way to make available the icons?

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