Yes, I just did it now and it looks like it's working. Thanks Digioz, great mod!bodiniusz wrote:Hello,
has anybody installed this through auto mod on 3.0.12?
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find:TruckingAlong wrote:Just a note: I've found this works great with "http://" or just "www." without "http://", but it doesn't work for "https://".
I assume that's missing in the ajax code, or something like that. I tried duplicating the second script tag group an changing the second group to ... $('a[href^="https://"]') ..., but that didn't work.
Oh well, that's not really very tragic, the rest works just fine, regardless of whether a forum member uses the url bbcode tags. Most don't.
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$(document).ready(function() {
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ThanksRMcGirr83 wrote:Probably because of this line
you probably have two jQuery libraries being loaded.Code: Select all
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
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