Can you try making that line in this format (adjusting family_name to name if that's your CPF)Cubguy501 wrote:... now im having a similair problem as someone else i think i read on this thread, is the search is Case-Sensitive!Code: Select all
$sql_where .= ($family_name) ? ' AND fd.pf_family_name ' . $db->sql_like_expression(str_replace('*', $db->any_char, $family_name)) . ' ' : '';
Code: Select all
$sql_where .= strtolower($family_name) ? ' AND LOWER(fd.pf_family_name) ' . $db->sql_like_expression(str_replace('*', $db->any_char, strtolower($family_name))) . ' ' : '';
I'd rather leave it the way that the rest of the memberlist search works:-mattconley2011 wrote:Possibilty to make it so you don't have to put the * if you are searching part of the name only?
but if you really want to do it:-To match partial data use * as a wildcard.
Code: Select all
$family_name = request_var('family_name', '');
Code: Select all
$family_name = $family_name . '*';
It's not a problem with the actual mod.pld32 wrote:I'm installing and getting this error. I'm running as the administrator and I'm the one who setup the forum.
The file ./../memberlist.php could not be copied into place.
Any idea's please.
Code: Select all
$name = utf8_encode(request_var('name', '') . '*');
Code: Select all
$name = utf8_decode(request_var('name', '') . '*');
+ utf8_encode
is no solutionCode: Select all
$check_params = array(
'name' => array('name', '', true),
Code: Select all
<dd><input type="text" name="name" id="name" value="" class="inputbox" /></dd>
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
'ICQ' => $icq,
Code: Select all
'NAME' => $name,