Hi 4_Seven,
The mod is still working perfect!
Is it possible to split the cpf's up so we can reorder and place them where we like on the search page?
I'm trying to do it for option fields by editing the below but I'm struggling a little so far.
Code: Select all
<!-- BEGIN option_fields -->
<dt><label for="{option_fields.FIELD_ID}">{option_fields.LANG_NAME}:</label></dt>
<select id="{option_fields.FIELD_ID}" name="{option_fields.FIELD_ID}">
<option selected="selected" value="x"> </option>
<!-- BEGIN lang_values -->
<option value="{option_fields.lang_values.OPTION_ID}">{option_fields.lang_values.LANG_VALUE}</option>
<!-- END lang_values -->
<!-- END option_fields -->