[RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by Kamahl19 »

Check the installation again. Specially for files memberlist.php a memberlist_view.html
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by baranfun »

Code: Select all

	<dd>{PROFIL_POINTS}<!-- IF S_USER_LOGGED_IN and U_POINTS_DONATE and not S_IS_BOT --> [ <a href="{U_POINTS_DONATE}">{L_POINTS_DONATE}</a> ]<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF U_POINTS_DONATE and U_POINTS_MODIFY --> 路<!-- ENDIF --><!-- IF U_POINTS_MODIFY --> [ <a href="{U_POINTS_MODIFY}">{L_POINTS_MODIFY}</a> ]<!-- ENDIF --></dd>
<!-- ENDIF -->
its my memberlist_view.html code i exactly add after

Code: Select all

<dt>{L_VISITED}:</dt> <dd>{VISITED}</dd>

Code: Select all

'U_POINTS_MODIFY'      => ($auth->acl_get('a_') || $auth->acl_get('m_chg_points')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}points.$phpEx", "mode=change_points&u=".$user_id) : '',
'U_POINTS_DONATE'      => ($user_id != $user->data['user_id']) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}points.$phpEx", "mode=transfer_points&u=".$user_id) : '',
'PROFIL_POINTS'        => $member['user_points'],

Code: Select all

'POSTS_IN_QUEUE'=> $member['posts_in_queue'],

if i do anything wrong please help me
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by baranfun »

I find the problem
the problem was in viewtopic.php

Code: Select all

'age'				=> '',

Code: Select all

'age'			=> '',
I add

Code: Select all

'points'		=> 0,
after both because i edit files online and browser search doesn't accept spaces

thanks for your help Kamahl

can you introduce me a good keyword mod for phpbb 3.0.11
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by Balero »


It's possible to install this mod based model in subsliver? If yes, which files I'll modify and what?

Thanks ;)
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by Kamahl19 »

Only prosilver files are available
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by punktravis182 »

Hello is there any way we could integrate it to thanks for post mod? Thanks a lot!
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by mzl »

Thanks, Kamahl.

Great, this is almost what I need. But not yet, so I will probably have to mod your mod.

The option to disable specific forums for points is what I need. It's a start. I have some questions about the mod.

- Would it be easily possible to upgrade it to 3.0.12?
Is it easily possible to extend your mod with the following options?
- Number of points depending on the forum. So not only enable disable, but some forums give more points.
- To be able for certain forums to give more points for the first post a member makes in a topic. Or even only give points for posting in the topic, not depending on the number of posts. This could be done by giving points for the first post and none for following posts.
- To be able to show the points earned in a specific period next to the total, for example the current month.

Why do I need this weird system of points?


I started a songwriting forum and require certain participation. So creating a topic in the forum to submit songs, means you submitted a song, which has more value than making a topic in another forum. The first post someone makes in this topic counts as a review of the song, any further posts from this person are counted as normal posts.

This way I can value making posts and topics on the site and check if someone meets the required participation by setting a minimal amount of points a month. I specifically want to prevent members just lurking around and not participating. It's an online workshop and join or lurk somewhere else. The active writers deserve to get feedback. It is not meant to publish finished works so I want to create a place that feels private, just like a real life workshop. It's not meant for audience yet.

If your mod can be adjusted quite simple to calculate the points per month, I can use that points to create a script that mails warnings and eventually disactivate users that are not participating.

Thank you.
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by Dane01 »

Please could you help me. I'm trying to use this mod on my board http://wizardingworldsrpg.comxa.com/ however all I seem to be able to do in acp is send groups money and this money is not displayed anywhere. Any help is much appreciated
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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by truBlitz »

I got a few members with over 100,000 points lol. You could call them professional thieves. Is there a add on somewhere I could use that lets users spend points on items or permissions? Perhaps maybe a bank holiday mod that steals points from members LOL after all H.R 2847 is just that! ..

If no one can spend their points they have no use trying to get them. Right now I have points set to where as if users post they get 1.25 points per topic and 0.75 for each post thereafter. Ive got a few rss post bots running and ppl are farming them lol

Any ideas??

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Re: [RC] Points MOD 1.0.3

Post by Jigoku88 »

I would like to know if there is possible to do an update and set something like

"I post something in x forum, i receive y points"

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