Modification Name: MathJax phpBB Integration
Author: sergio91pt
Modification Description: enables users to post beautiful math in LaTeX and MathML, rendered in all major browsers using the MathJax JavaScript Library.
Modification Version: 0.2.4
Requirements: The MathJax library accessible from the forum web path or the ability to accept MathJax CDN TOS.
- Uses the phpBB BBCode system.
- Multiple BBCodes can be used with static preview texts.
- Dynamic loading, saving users time and bandwidth.
- MathJax CDN can be used with a local installed copy for fallback purposes.
- Rendering is done in the client side, by the JavaScript library. No complicated setups!
- Works on all major browsers.
- Renders in native MathML, Web fonts and Image fonts depending on the browser capabilities.
Development: On GitHub
Modification Download: Download v0.2.4