<div class="content"><!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Site Admin' --><font color="red">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MESSAGE}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
<div class="content"><!-- IF postrow.POST_AUTHOR eq 'admin' --><font color="red">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MESSAGE}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
You're the best!!!! Thank you so much!Ather wrote:i've made a quick and dirty hack, maybe it can be useful
with my code, you can either colorize your posts by the poster's rank or his rank color
for prosilver, open styles/prosilver/templates/viewtopic_body.html
find : <div class="content">{postrow.MESSAGE}</div>
replace with :
<div class="content"><!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Site Admin' --><font color="red">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MESSAGE}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
the above code is based on User's rank, e.g if the rank is Site Admin, it will show red color, else normal black message
Option 2:
<div class="content"><!-- IF postrow.POST_AUTHOR eq 'admin' --><font color="red">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MESSAGE}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
this code is based on username, if the poster is a user named admin, color will be red
screenshot: (click to enlarge)
Code: Select all
<div class="content"><!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Site Admin' --><font color="#AA0000">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSEIF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Moderator' --><font color="green">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MESSAGE}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
<!-- ELSEIF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Moderator' --><font color="green">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font>
just change the title in quotes and the colorAwesome! I have one more question... the colours are overriding white text... is there a way to fix that, or am I going to have to deal with it?Ather wrote:yes its possible, if your mod's rank is for example called : Moderators, then you can alter the code as follows :
basically to add more, you doCode: Select all
<div class="content"><!-- IF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Site Admin' --><font color="#AA0000">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSEIF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Moderator' --><font color="green">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font><!-- ELSE -->{postrow.MESSAGE}<!-- ENDIF --></div>
<!-- ELSEIF postrow.RANK_TITLE eq 'Moderator' --><font color="green">{postrow.MESSAGE}</font>
just change the title in quotes and the color