Author: CaniDev
Modification Description: This mod adds the "follow" function between the forum users and mention them in the messages (like twitter).
Modification Version: 1.0.1
Requirements: JavaScript must be enabled.
- Each user has its own profile which will show all activity on the forum.
- Users have their own wall to make comments as Twitter style.
- The functions are performed transparently to the user through the use of technologies such as jQuery.
- Allows users to mention each other, both in comments and in forum posts.
- It has a notification service and alerts to users.
- The users can create hashtags and make searchs in base to it.
- Have a custom search to find comments and users.
- Includes a Quick mention system.
- Generate a list of Trends in base to the hashtags created by the users.
- It offers many customization options that can suit all needs.
- Compatible with phpBB 3.0.8, 3.0.9, 3.0.10 and 3.0.11.
- Compatible with all databases that is compatible with phpBB3.
- Very easy to implement in the forum with its friendly installer as it is only necessary to make minor changes to files phpBB3.
- Include the prosilver and subsilver 2 styles modified.
- Avaliable in English and Spanish.
Screenshots in CaniDev WebSite
Demo URL:
Demo User: FollowerTest
Demo Pass: test1234
Modification Download: