You brought up an interesting point so I tested it out... ALL hashtags don't work. ALL mentions don't work either; I even registered a new account on the new forum and then tried using hashtags and mentions; none of them pops up.
I don't use this mod anymore, but I remember it not un installing properly when I was testing it myself. You could read the install instructions and go over the code edits manually to make sure you don't have missing or double edits of the MOD in your files.
Well I thought that too, but that's not the case. I backed up my entire forum before uninstalling, and reinstalling then put the forum back in. It didn't work. (Just the hashtag and mention)
The mentions no appears only in posts or in the wall too??
If the problem is only in the posts, its probably that is a installation error. In this case, check the changes in "viewtopic.php" and ""includes/functions_posting.php"
In the posts, the mentions and hastags are inside "<!-- -->" so, if the mod does not process the tags, these are hidden.
I have a small problem regarding this script though:
There's supposed to be a "p" right before the second "2465" (#p2465, not #2465), otherwise the page doesn't scroll to the post correctly. I tried looking through your code and I'm not sure if any light fix would do;
{return false}
var n=e("#mention-mode");
var r=e(t);
It seems to be somewhere along these lines though. Any help would be appreciated. All I need to do is add the p before the second number.
EDIT: Went to your demo URL and confirmed that it was a problem on your demo link also. The redirect is supposed to be #p1234, not #1234.
Last edited by yukirina on Fri Jan 17, 2014 2:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry for the delay.
I do not know exactly which area you are referring but the only part where I found that problem is in the notification box.
To solve, open "follower/includes/functions_follower_core.php"
Find (there are two matches):
I've recently noticed that you can make the follower buttons clickable in quick reply. However, after changing my quick reply so that it appears by default: