English Pirate?

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English Pirate?

Post by mazeteam »


I was wondering if there is a possibility of a language pack being created to use Pirate language? There is an option in Facebook to change your language preference to "English (Pirate)" and I was wondering if something similar could be done for PHPBB?
It sounds like a silly suggestion, but I think it'd be a good idea for special occaisions.

If you use the Pirate languane in Facebook, you may get an idea as to what I'm thinking... some simple things such as changing "January" to "Januarrrrrry", "minutes" to "shots 'o' rum", "like" to "arrr!", "people" to "scurvy dogs".....
Perhaps I'm being to silly and it isn't possible, I don't know... Just throwing it out into the ether. :mrgreen:
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Re: English Pirate?

Post by Qiaeru »


Of course, you can translate phpBB into English (Pirate), English (Leet Speak) or even Klingon! That's fun and usuable, so why refuse? However, it will be validated as other, so the translation must be of quality and the maintainer must be serious and carry out regular updates to have a language pack compatible with the latest phpBB version. ;)


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