Not all languages use (Re) for replies it must be translated

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Not all languages use (Re) for replies it must be translated

Post by hubaishan »

Not all languages use (Re) for replies, Why it is not in language files. It must included in language files and must be translated
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Re: Not all languages use (Re) for replies it must be transl

Post by _Vinny_ »

To translate, open posting.php and find:
$post_data['post_subject'] = ((strpos($post_data['post_subject'], '[b]Re:[/b] ') !== 0) ? '[b]Re:[/b] ' : '') . censor_text($post_data['post_subject']);
Change only the highlight in bold.

For quick reply, open viewtopic.php, find:
'SUBJECT' => '[b]Re:[/b] ' . censor_text($topic_data['topic_title']),

Anyway, you can request it be changed to the language variable in:
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Re: Not all languages use (Re) for replies it must be transl

Post by 3Di »

there is a reason why developpers did that .. think about. the OP it's just nitpicking IMO.
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