Probably best to ask them?Renji wrote:Ok, But then how did IP Board guys did it? I am newbie.
Pretty much because you are the first one I see posting about such a featureRenji wrote:Then why dont you guys implement it by default?
Invision Power Services did this by simply giving all their settings keywords (or not) - you can see it by looking atRenji wrote:how did IP Board guys did it?
in /admin/applications/core/modules_admin/ajax/livesearch.php (based on v3.2.0). These are in English and arbitrary. The concept having a search box which searches everything (not specifically posts or member data or group data) however has its advantages.What do you need explained?Renji wrote:Can you explain me a bit please? I am interested in whatever you said
phpBB is a good example: RFCs are set up, get discussed, ideas get combined, experiences get exchanged and pros and cons will come up. An in-depth analyzation process which will surely filter misconcepts and fast decisions.(unknown) wrote:Das beste am Kackhaufen sind die Millionen Fliegen, die sich draufstürzen
(Best thing about a steaming pile are the millions of flies which fall on it)
Ohk, Thanks for explanationAmigoJack wrote:Providing something which millions do use doesn't automatically make it safe or future-proof or actually an improvement. I'm glad those millions still go and spend their money on less robust software while preferring form over function, instead of actually learning hows and whys and possibilities and limits of an architecture.phpBB is a good example: RFCs are set up, get discussed, ideas get combined, experiences get exchanged and pros and cons will come up. An in-depth analyzation process which will surely filter misconcepts and fast decisions.(unknown) wrote:Das beste am Kackhaufen sind die Millionen Fliegen, die sich draufstürzen
(Best thing about a steaming pile are the millions of flies which fall on it)
Erik wanted to say that the more details and the more precision you're giving, the higher are chances we understand what you want and will develop at least a MOD for it. Explain it as if nobody of us has ever seen an IPBoard (not to speak of its admin CP). You didn't even provide any screenshot, but 3 would be helpful: how the "live search" does look like, how search results do look like and how the actual destination of a search result looks like. Always remember: in your head it all makes sense, but everybody else is outside of it.
Always remember: in your head it all makes sense, but everybody else is outside of it.