In investigating this... I found that if I edited the URL and replaced video.php with photo.php then the embed works fine. I can drop that URL into a browser in both formats and it's a valid URL to facebook.
Vimeo seems to be working fine now don't know why it was getting errors the other day.
as far as I know, dropbox is just a storage place for files, there would be no point in creating a bbcode to show the download link to a file. If the file happens to be a video file, you can only give a download link, not a link that will play the video using bbcode. that would require the server to be able to stream the video and as VEG said, dropbox does not stream videos etc. , it only stores the files for download/sharing etc.
but you can share the video as a video without the user having to download it, just clicking on that link i just gave will allow you to watch the webm video file without downloading it, so clearly dropbox allows for videos to be played without downloading
you are correct. I should have checked first. however, from the looks of that url to the stored video, I doubt there would be any way to create a bbcode for it.
you would have to ask the dropbox people about it.
in order for a bbcode to work, there has to be some part of the url that designates the video and maybe some part that designates an account number that could be replaced with the proper phpbb variables. then the other parts could MAYBE be converted using the bbcode etc.
This doesn't seem to work with Metacafe. The video frame loads, and the preview image, but when I hit the play button, all I get is a wheel spinning round and round. The video never starts playing.