[ABD] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code changes)

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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by VEG »

VEG wrote:I can detect that BB [media] is used on a page with HTTPS protocol and in this case I can use embedding code with HTTPS if possible. But unfortunately not all services support HTTPS. I'll add this feature for major services in a week.
I've decided to do it now :) You can try it already.

Also BB [media] now supports ted.com, vine.co and coub.com.
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by aleha »

VEG wrote:
VEG wrote:I can detect that BB [media] is used on a page with HTTPS protocol and in this case I can use embedding code with HTTPS if possible. But unfortunately not all services support HTTPS. I'll add this feature for major services in a week.
I've decided to do it now :) You can try it already.

Also BB [media] now supports ted.com, vine.co and coub.com.
Yes, I've tested it for https and it works nice now. Thanks!
VEG wrote:
aleha wrote:Do you have any current/future plans on making this awesome mod also responsive which is much needed? Maybe styling the iframe and putting it in a stylish div block will do the work.
I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you mean. Do you mean flexible width of the video player according to the width of the page? Yes, I have this point in my TODO list.
Yes that is what I meant but I think it is a tricky situation.
Ideally you should use a responsive iframe/object with a mobile theme if you don't have a responsive style (prosilver in 3.0.x is not responsive).

But if you have a responsive style (prosilver might be responsive in 3.1) and no mobile theme, then the scaling of the iframe/object maybe should depend to the service.
For example, if I use Firefox from my desktop PC then google maps is responsive, whereas youtube is not.
I haven't looked in the details of this subject so you can ignore me I don't make sense.
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by jskoh »

hi, i have a video site, can i added my site into it? but its not a big site, more for using it myself.
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by potku »

VEG wrote:Please provide a problematic URL for example.
Here's one: http://www.potku.net/forum/viewtopic.ph ... 05#p744905

So, Facebook videos can be embedded now? Sorry, I haven't been here for a while...

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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by VEG »

potku wrote:
VEG wrote:Please provide a problematic URL for example.
Here's one: http://www.potku.net/forum/viewtopic.ph ... 05#p744905

So, Facebook videos can be embedded now? Sorry, I haven't been here for a while...
Hello. I can't find bbmedia on your page. Facebook videos can be embedded for a long time ago.
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by potku »

Hmm, I am not aware of any bbmedia. So, this isn't just another BBCode anymore? Facebook videos did work about 6 months ago, but not since then using the BBCode in the first post.

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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by potku »

OK, got it. Progress, nice BBCode. :)

Since I have forgotten too much, how would I add an icon to this BBcode, and how could I move that icon to a disered location on the posting page?

Thanks :)

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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by VEG »

potku wrote:Facebook videos did work about 6 months ago, but not since then using the BBCode in the first post.
Please provide URL of facebook video that BB [media] can't embed. Example of working URL:

Code: Select all

potku wrote:Since I have forgotten too much, how would I add an icon to this BBcode, and how could I move that icon to a disered location on the posting page?
Try this mod.
Best regards, Evgeny
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by potku »

Thank you for your kind help. :)

That´s exactly the MOD we have had installed for ages, but it has disappeared from where we downloaded it years ago. Not anymore. :)

We have noticed some of the Facebook videos feature the word "photo" in the url, while some sport "video". It seems video does work, but does photo?

Code: Select all


Code: Select all


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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by VEG »

Now BB [media] supports this type of URL on the facebook.com. You should clear browser cache to try it.
Best regards, Evgeny
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by potku »

They sure do! GG! Image

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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by draky »

Seems cool :)
Can we host the .js file on our website instead on relying on your website ?

Can you provide the source code of .js file ?

Thanks :)
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by VEG »

draky wrote:Can we host the .js file on our website instead on relying on your website ?
Yes, you can do it. Also you can use bbmedia.php for automatic updates of your local copy of the bbmedia.js.
draky wrote:Can you provide the source code of .js file ?
No, you can use it as is only.
Best regards, Evgeny
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by draky »

Ok, thanks for your answers :)

Nice work !
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Re: [RC] phpBB [video]: universal video bbcode (no code chan

Post by muggins »

JavaScript is source code. The code as provided is compacted.

Here it is prettified:

Code: Select all

// BB [media] v1.46 [30.09.2013] (C) 2013 Evgeny Vrublevsky, http://phpbbex.com/
// Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
(function () {
    var b = "audio";
    var m = "video";
    var a = "media";
    if (typeof bbmediajs != "undefined") {
    bbmediajs = true;
    var j = function (p, r, e, o) {
        o = jQuery.extend({
            frameborder: "0"
        }, o);
        var q = '<iframe style="vertical-align: bottom; width: ' + r + "px; height: " + e + 'px;" width="' + r + '" height="' + e + '" src="' + p + '" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen';
        jQuery.each(o, function (s, t) {
            q += " " + s + '="' + t + '"'
        return q + "></iframe>"
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        p = jQuery.extend({
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            ignorewheel: false
        }, p);
        var r = ' width="' + s + '" height="' + e + '"' + (p.ignorewheel ? ' ignorewheel="1"' : "");
        var t = '<object style="vertical-align: bottom;" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"' + r + '><param name="movie" value="' + q + '" />';
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        var v = (z == m);
        var y = (B || K);
        var H = (v || K);
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        if (!G && !D) {
            x = true;
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            D = 360
        } else {
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            if (u) {
                D += 30
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                    G += 53
            return j(E + "://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=" + M[1], G, D)
        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|(?:m\.)?youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com\/(?:watch\?(?:.*&)?v=|embed\/|v\/))([-_\w\d]+)(?:.*(?:[&?]start|[?&#]t)=(?:(\d+)h)?(?:(\d+)m)?(\d+)?)?/i))) {
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            return j("http://video.bigmir.net/player/" + M[1] + "/", G, D)
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            return g("http://video.sibnet.ru/shell.swf?videoid=" + M[1], G, D)
        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/video\.online\.ua\/(?:embed\/)?([\d\w]+)/i))) {
            return j("http://video.online.ua/embed/" + M[1] + "/", G, D, {
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        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:(?:www\.)intv\.ru\/v\/|flash\.intv\.ru\/uplay\/)([\d\w]+)/i))) {
            return g("http://flash.intv.ru/uplay/" + M[1], G, D)
        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?metacafe\.com\/(?:watch|fplayer)\/(\d+)\/([^\/.]+)/i))) {
            return g("http://www.metacafe.com/fplayer/" + M[1] + "/" + M[2] + ".swf", G, D, {
                flashvars: "playerVars=autoPlay=no"
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        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:[-.\w\d]+?\.)?facebook\.com\/(?:(?:video\/video|photo)\.php\?(?:.*&)?v=|video\/embed\?(?:.*&)?video_id=|v\/)([-_\w\d]+)/i))) {
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            return j(E + "://www.myvideo.de/embed/" + M[1], G, D, {
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            return g("http://www.hulu.com/embed/" + M[1], G, D)
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            return j(E + "://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/" + M[1], G, D)
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            return j("http://www.own3d.tv/liveembed/" + M[1], G, D)
        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?own3d\.tv\/(?:.*\/)?(?:video|stream|v)\/([0-9]+)/i))) {
            return g("http://www.own3d.tv/stream/" + M[1], G, D, {
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        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:[\w\d]+\.)?ign\.com(\/videos\/\d+\/\d+\/\d+\/[-_\w\d]+)/i))) {
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                scrolling: "no"
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                scrolling: "no"
        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/((?:\w+\.)?twitch\.tv)\/([-_\w\d]+)(?:\/([bc])\/(\d+))?/i))) {
            if (M[3]) {
                return g("http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf", G, D, {
                    flashvars: (M[3].toLowerCase() == "b" ? "archive_id=" : "chapter_id=") + M[4] + "&channel=" + M[2] + "&auto_play=false"
            } else {
                return g("http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/live_embed_player.swf", G, D, {
                    flashvars: "hostname=" + M[1] + "&channel=" + M[2] + "&auto_play=false",
                    allowscriptaccess: "always"
        if (H && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.|embed\.)?ted\.com\/talks\/(?:lang\/([\w]{2})\/)?([-_\w\d]+)\.html/i))) {
            return j("http://embed.ted.com/talks/" + (M[1] ? ("lang/" + M[1] + "/") : "") + M[2] + ".html", G, D, {
                scrolling: "no"
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            return j(E + "://coub.com/embed/" + M[1], G, D)
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            var p = Math.min(G, D);
            return j("https://vine.co/v/" + M[1] + "/embed/simple", p, p)
        if (y && (M = t.match(/(^https?:\/\/soundcloud\.com\/[-_\w\d]+\/(?:sets\/)?[-_\w\d]+\/?$|https?(?::\/\/|%3A%2F%2F)api\.soundcloud\.com(?:\/|%2F)(?:tracks|playlists)(?:\/|%2F)\d+)/i))) {
            var I = !! M[0].match(/(\/|%2F)(sets|playlists)(\/|%2F)/i);
            return g("https://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=ff7700&url=" + encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(M[0])), (x ? "100%" : G), I ? 225 : 81)
        if (y && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?(?:z-mc\.ru|z-music\.org\/l|muzebra\.com\/l)\/([-_\w\d]+)/i))) {
            return g("http://embed.muzebra.com/player?id=" + M[1], (x ? 395 : G), 42, {
                wmode: "transparent",
                scale: "noscale"
        if (y && (M = t.match(/^https?:\/\/(?:(?:www\.)?(?:prosto)?pleer\.com\/tracks\/|embed\.(?:prosto)?pleer\.com\/track\?(?:.*&)?id=)([\w\d]+)/i))) {
            return g("http://embed.pleer.com/track?id=" + M[1], (x ? 550 : G), 42)
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