Having had a eureka moment I realised it was actually quite straightforward so as promised I'm putting it together as a mod.
Modification Name: Multiple Boards
Author: The Pips
Modification Description: Allows one database to contain multiple boards but only maintain a single set of groups, users.
Confused? Imagine you've set up your 1st instance of PHPbb but you now want to set up a second. If you use the same config.php both instances will now be accessing exactly the same data. This mod will allow you to restrict which forums will be visible on each site. All you need to do is set a variable to identify which site you're on.
Modification Version: 0.0.1 Dev
Requirements: You'll need to modify your code to pass the board number required.
Features: Feature List.
- Supports up to 10 different boards Done
- Board selection by Forum ACP Done
http://arvclub.co.uk/images/screenshots ... iboard.PNG
Demo URL:
http://multiboard.arvclub.co.uk Done
Modification Download: http://www.development.arvclub.co.uk/do ... 00.0.1.zip