[RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by Kaycee »

emosbat wrote:@muggins
because then if someone install another MOD from me (or others) that need jquery. then we will have duplicate entry of jquery in code and this will cause jquery conflict error.

I do not see any error from this MOD.
I have done everything right from beginning but did not make changes in the forum permissions. I was trying to close/restrict some forum with some member when i saw i needed to say yes to like in the permission.

Seeing the like button was just awesome for me today. Kindly pardon me all my trouble.

@emosbat, I SAY THANK YOU.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by skarekrow »

emosbat wrote:
skarekrow wrote:I did everything and when I click "like" button it gets me to the top of the page and nothing happens. I installed this jquery pack and still nothing. I don't know english very good, I read this FAQ but I don't know what could be wrong. Please help.
you may missed so mod code. check source code manually.
I don't know what so mod code is... can you help me with that?
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by Holger »

"some mod code"
You probably did not follow ALL instructions
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by starshine1000 »

Hi again Emosbat! I still love Ajax Like and I will post the Swedish translations (just haven't done the ACP. translations yet, because I haven't used them myself.)

Now I have a problem though: If I try to change the theme in the UCP, I get error message:

Code: Select all

General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

Column 'show_likes' cannot be null [1048]


UPDATE phpbb_users SET show_likes = NULL, user_allow_pm = 1, user_allow_viewemail = 1, user_allow_massemail = 1, user_allow_viewonline = 1, user_notify_type = '0', user_notify_pm = 1, user_options = '230271', user_dst = 1, user_dateformat = 'd M Y', user_lang = 'en', user_timezone = 0, user_style = 26, user_allow_thanks_pm = 0, user_allow_thanks_email = 0 WHERE user_id = 2


FILE: (not given by php)
LINE: (not given by php)
CALL: msg_handler()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/dbal.php
LINE: 757
CALL: trigger_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/db/mysqli.php
LINE: 189
CALL: dbal->sql_error()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/ucp/ucp_prefs.php
LINE: 126
CALL: dbal_mysqli->sql_query()

FILE: [ROOT]/includes/functions_module.php
LINE: 507
CALL: ucp_prefs->main()

FILE: [ROOT]/ucp.php
LINE: 330
CALL: p_master->load_active()
I checked the column "show_likes" in table "phpbb_users" Value=1 for all users....

Have you got any idea what's wrong?

My site is bibelkristna.com (if you need an account to check it, and you can't manage the Swedish/Christian anti spam-bot questions, let me know and I'll send an account, it's stuff you'd only know if you were local - to trick the bots and human spammers)
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by Theriddler1 »

@starshine1000 you need to recheck your edits for includes/ucp/ucp_prefs.php
Theriddler - Former Moderator @ phpBB.nl | phpBBservice.nl Team-member
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by starshine1000 »

Thanks, Theriddler! This is a VERY fiddly Mod and it breaks so easily. I've broken it like 5 times as I messed around with other MODs. You are right, it was something with the User board. I think I broke the file somehow. The MOD is worth it though, it is really nice. :D



Code: Select all

// ajaxlike //
'AL_YOU_TEXT' => 'Du', // `You` like this post.
'AL_AND_TEXT' => 'och', // userX `and` y like this post.
'AL_OTHER_TEXT' => 'andra', // userX and 1 `other` like this post.
'AL_OTHERS_TEXT' => 'andra', // userX and 5 `others` like this post.
'AL_PEOPLE_TEXT' => 'medlemmar', // 4 `people` like this post.
'AL_LIKE_POST_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // 3 people `like this post`.
'AL_ONE_LIKE_POST_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // userX `likes this post`.
'AL_LIKE_POST_WITH_YOU_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // You and 2 others `like this post`.
'AL_YOU_LIKE_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // You `like this post`.
// alternative mode:
'AL_ALTER_ONE_PEOPLE_TEXT' => 'medlem', // 1 `person` likes this post.
'AL_ALTER_TWO_PEOPLE_TEXT' => 'medlemmar', // 2 `people` like this post.
'AL_ALTER_THREE_PEOPLE_TEXT' => 'medlemmar', // 3 `people` like this post.
'AL_ALTER_MORE_PEOPLE_TEXT' => 'medlemmar', // 12 `people` like this post.
'AL_ALTER_ONE_LIKE_POST_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // 1 person `likes this post`.
'AL_ALTER_TWO_LIKE_POST_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // 2 people `like this post`.
'AL_ALTER_THREE_LIKE_POST_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // 3 people `like this post`.
'AL_ALTER_MORE_LIKE_POST_TEXT' => 'gillar det här inlägget.', // 10 people `like this post`.
'AL_LIKE_TEXT' => 'Gilla',
'AL_UNLIKE_TEXT' => 'Sluta gilla',
'AL_PEOPLE_LIKE_THIS_TEXT' => 'medlemmar gillar det här inlägget', // dialog box title
'AL_LIKE_COUNT_TEXT' => 'Gillade', // number of likes
'AL_LIKED_COUNT_TEXT' => 'Gillades för', // number of received likes
'AL_POSTS_TEXT' => 'inlägg',
'AL_POST_TEXT' => 'inlägg',
'AL_LIKE_AT_TEXT' => 'Gillades', // like date
'AL_ERROR_INVALID_REQUEST' => 'Ogiltigt kommando!',
'AL_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED' => 'Obehörigt kommando blockerat!',
// ajaxlike

Code: Select all

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_MOD_TITLE' => 'phpBB Ajax Like',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_TITLE' => 'Ajax Like inställningar',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_TITLE' => 'Ajax Like inställningar',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_LEGEND1' => 'Allmänt',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_GUEST_EXPLAIN' => 'Ska gäster se gillar-markeringar?',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_LIST_PROFILE_EXPLAIN' => 'Visa gillamarkeringar i användarprofilen?',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_LIST_MAX' => 'Antal gillanden i profilen',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_ALLOW_UNLIKE' => 'Tillåt användare att sluta gilla',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_ALLOW_UNLIKE_EXPLAIN' => 'Får användare sluta gilla inlägg?',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_NOTIFY' => 'Gillar-markering',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_NOTIFY_EXPLAIN' => 'Sätt på notifiering om gillanden?',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_INTERVAL' => 'Intervall för notifiering',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_INTERVAL_EXPLAIN' => 'Sök efter nya gillanden varje n sekund.',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_ALTER_MODE' => 'Alternativt läge',
'ACP_AJAXLIKE_CONFIG_ALTER_MODE_EXPLAIN' => 'Om läget aktiveras visas endast antalet användare som gillade inlägget (har visat sig användbart på vissa språk)',

Code: Select all

$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
'ACP_MOD_TITLE' => 'phpBB Ajax Like',
'INSTALL_AJAXLIKE_MOD' => 'Installera phpBB Ajax Like Mod',
'INSTALL_AJAXLIKE_MOD_CONFIRM' => 'Är du redo att installera phpBB Ajax Like Mod?',

'AJAXLIKE_MOD' => 'phpBB Ajax Like Mod',

'UNINSTALL_AJAXLIKE_MOD' => Avinstallera phpBB Ajax Like Mod',
'UNINSTALL_AJAXLIKE_MOD_CONFIRM' => 'Är du redo att avinstallera phpBB Ajax Like Mod? Alla inställningar och data som sparats av denna Mod kommer att raderas!',
'UPDATE_AJAXLIKE_MOD' => 'Uppdatera phpBB Ajax Like Mod',
'UPDATE_AJAXLIKE_MOD_CONFIRM' => ''Är du redo att uppdatera phpBB Ajax Like Mod?',
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by Canadian Horseman »

I've just updated to phpbb 3.1 and our favourite MOD (as expected) has stopped working.
Are there any plans to update this MOD's compatibility to work fine with 3.1?
Thank you.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by thundermonkey »

I would also greatly welcome a 3.1 version of this extremely useful mod.

Belated thanks for coding the 3.0.xx version of it.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by blogvietkieu »

My forum went blank after I tried to install this mod.
How can I get the error msg? the forum just went blank after I click on Purge All Caches.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by emosbat »

I recently married and you know what I mean: I have no free time anymore :|
Hope someone continue developing this and other MODs I made.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by Holger »

Congrats! :D
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by potku »

Your good news is our bad news. :D

Happy trails, my friend. :)

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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by spatman »

emosbat wrote:I recently married and you know what I mean: I have no free time anymore :|
Hope someone continue developing this and other MODs I made.
Congratulations! You'll realize how much free time you really have now if you ever have kids.

Bummer that you won't be developing the mod any further. It is a very popular feature on our site.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by Ali@php »

emosbat wrote:I recently married and you know what I mean: I have no free time anymore :|
Hope someone continue developing this and other MODs I made.
Congratulations eMosbat ;)

I will try to convert this mod to an extention within the next few weeks
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Ajax Like

Post by amblabs »

I just installed v1.2.0 of this mod (and the jQuery Pack 1.0.4) manually on my phpbb 3.0.12 board and ran into some problems. I checked and rechecked my edits and compared against the install.xml instructions and did not see any errors. I ran jquerypack_install.php and ajaxlike_install.php with success (except some warnings about changes to permissions), and cleared the cache.

After that, going to the main board index works, but if I try to read a topic, it just gives me a blank screen. Also, at the top, where it's supposed to show my new like count, it says "0{ AL_LIKE_NEW }". Similarly, when I view a user's profile, it shows several apparently undefined text strings.

I went through the items listed in the first post of this thread and none of them seem to apply to my problems here.

I tried backing out the edit in the top level viewtopic.php file, and it restored the ability to view topics. Obviously there are no ajaxlike features in this mode. I checked my edits in viewtopic.php and still cannot find anything wrong. And the undefined strings are still there...

Any idea what's wrong here?

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