Here is some feedback:
- 1. Finder in forums (ACP) - When I open finder and find coordinates I want to use, the "Set to form" button doesn't work. I have to copy coordinates manually (it's really not problem, but when there is button...)
- 2. It would be easier for admin to have finder also in main MOD settings in ACP.
- 3. Adding POIs in topic/post - I always forget to click on "Yes" button (to show POI on map). It's very (well, not so much) annoying. Would be possible to make "show - yes" as default with option "No" when I want to hide POI from map?
- 4. BBCode - when you click on button it creates now [directmap][/directmap] in post. Would be possible to create [directmap id=][/directmap] in post? Or maybe remove "id" completely from it? Also it took me quite long to figure out what pN, tN and fN mean.
- 5. BBCode - what do you think about adding the zoom into BBCode, so map opens with POI created in post, but can be zoomed independently on the map in topic/forum. Or maybe add zoom field when you create the POI, so if you link (with BBCode) to that post's POI it will be zoomed (in new pop up window) as user who added that POI wanted (of course if user doesn't add zoom it will use default for map from ACP).
- 6. when you click on link created by BBCode it opens map in popup window. Little problem is that it opens map with height setting I set in ACP. It mean, that in top half of popup window is map and bottom half is blank. I would like to see map in whole window, but I would like to keep the height of map for topics and forums.
- 7. POI's info balloon on the map on viewtopic shows "Discussion (0)" even if there is discussion with some replies.