[RC] phpBB Geo Topics 1.4.3 - AJAX maps OSM GOOGLE BING

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Re: [RC1] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.1 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by leschek »

Wow. That is fast. Everyday new version. And really nice features.

Here is some feedback:
  • 1. Finder in forums (ACP) - When I open finder and find coordinates I want to use, the "Set to form" button doesn't work. I have to copy coordinates manually (it's really not problem, but when there is button...)
  • 2. It would be easier for admin to have finder also in main MOD settings in ACP.
  • 3. Adding POIs in topic/post - I always forget to click on "Yes" button (to show POI on map). It's very (well, not so much) annoying. Would be possible to make "show - yes" as default with option "No" when I want to hide POI from map?
  • 4. BBCode - when you click on button it creates now [directmap][/directmap] in post. Would be possible to create [directmap id=][/directmap] in post? Or maybe remove "id" completely from it? Also it took me quite long to figure out what pN, tN and fN mean.
  • 5. BBCode - what do you think about adding the zoom into BBCode, so map opens with POI created in post, but can be zoomed independently on the map in topic/forum. Or maybe add zoom field when you create the POI, so if you link (with BBCode) to that post's POI it will be zoomed (in new pop up window) as user who added that POI wanted (of course if user doesn't add zoom it will use default for map from ACP).
  • 6. when you click on link created by BBCode it opens map in popup window. Little problem is that it opens map with height setting I set in ACP. It mean, that in top half of popup window is map and bottom half is blank. I would like to see map in whole window, but I would like to keep the height of map for topics and forums.
  • 7. POI's info balloon on the map on viewtopic shows "Discussion (0)" even if there is discussion with some replies.
Thank you for working in this MOD.
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Re: [RC1] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.1 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

hi leschek

thank you for feedback, could you please provide pre-registered admin access to your /testforum/

1) this is a bug it is to be fixed, BTW Yandex works
2) probably yes but i do not promise
3) disagree, most of boards will treat POIs as a useful but very rare used thing. Your board is unique.
4-5-6) it seems mod must not install many bbcodes. this is an administrator privileges. instead of making so many predefined bbcodes i think is woul be better to extend parameters of popup window for example allow to specify map provider and zoom. After that you will be able to make custom bbcode as you like.
7) this is a bug it is to be fixed
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Re: [RC1] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.1 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by leschek »


I will send you PM with information

1. Yandex is only in Russian (not easy to read) and maps outside of Russia are not as good as Google maps. But I guess It's good enough for finding the coordinates to centre forums map.

2. Thank you. It's only one time use feature and I can find coordinates in other finders.

3. You are right about my forum. If I put coordinates into form I definitely want to see the POI on map. I think I will learn to turn it on, so I will not have to send post twice.

4, 5, 6. Mod installed one BBCode [directmap][/directmap]. It's working, it would be just easier for user if they don't have to write letters "id" into it and BBCode itself write [directmap id=][/directmap] and user just add the forum/post ID.
I like the idea with pop up window to make creation of BBCode easier for users.
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Re: [RC1] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.1 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

please try 0.8.5 http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=101
i've solved most of issues.

as to BBCODE
To see any result of an action what you expect from script this script must be told what to do with parameters. If there're no parameters - no action could be performed. An administrator must compose the BBCODE in a way where parameters is present and the end user must enter at least one parameter - what to show. There are may be extra parameters how the info should be displayed

So the parameters for bbcode script are

script - geotopics.php
i=popup - will cause layout 100% x100%
f=N forum id - can be zero
t=N topic id - can be zero
p=N post id - can be zero
zoom=N [1-19] zoom level
pr=1|2|3|4 api provider 1-yandex 2-google 3-bing 4-mapquest

the order of object lookup is
- the first "p" parameter if nonzero will display 'viewtopic' mode map with post POI active
- the second "t" parameter if nonzero will display 'viewtopic' mode map with the thirst post POI active
- the third "f" parameter if nonzero will display 'viewforum' mode map with no active POI

by default the front page map displayed

built in viewtopic map - looks like Ynadex
the same in popup
http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/geotopic ... popup&p=87
show reply from the same topic
http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/geotopic ... opup&p=112
change map to bing
http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/geotopic ... p=112&pr=3
change zoom to 2
http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/geotopic ... r=3&zoom=2
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

Screenshots (same as first post)
Image Image Image Image

Image Image Image
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by leschek »

First I have to say wow. I really like the jQuery options in ACP. It should be in every MOD which use jQuery.
Very nice work with the 'Show on the map' Yes/No switch.

Now some feedback:

1. Version check: I just installed the MOD and saw

Code: Select all

Latest Version: 0.8.6
Click here to get the latest version of the phpBB geo topics mod
When I click on link to get new version of the MOD it shows error 404 (I think you know about this)

2. Probably not possible, but it would be helpful for admins, if position finders in ACP can set zoom too.

3. what do you think about adding zoom option for creating POI in first post of topic. My thought is that topic author know best what he/she wants to show on map. (would be nice to combine it with zoom option in finder if possible)

4. BBCodes. I understand how to change parameters in URL, but so far I can't solve how to add to BBCode script the zoom option.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

1) fixed :)

2) map apis differently treats zoom value, if we will continue specify predefined parameters it will be a mess. I advise not to use zoom greater 14

3) my thoughts is slightly different, i would like to let user to observe the place with different maps. the only place location is important.

4) very simple just specify geotopics.php?zoom=[1-14] you will see how zoom was changed
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

if you want to use bbcode you have to write your own and specify the zoom exactly

[directmap1 id=p3 z=4] [/directmap]

than write translation

But, with BBCODE you have to specify enough parameters directly in BBCODE. The parameters must be as simple as possible. If not - your board may become vulnerable by XSS. I mean the parameters are placed inside a HTML tag, without the proper checks it is possible to compose the special message and inject javascript.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

the mod built in bbcode definition is

Code: Select all

[directmap id={IDENTIFIER1}]{TEXT1}[/directmap]
the definition is

Code: Select all

<a href="#" onclick="popup('./geotopics.php?i=popup&'+'{IDENTIFIER1}'.substring(0,1) +'='+'{IDENTIFIER1}'.substring(1), 800, 600); return false;">{TEXT1}</a>
this is safe - because {TEXT1} allowing to insert anything is placed between HTML and {IDENTIFIER1} guarantees it cinstains "Characters from the latin alphabet (A-Z), numbers, hyphen and underscore" only
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by leschek »

OK, I think IDs for posts, topics and forums will be enough.
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Re: [RC2] phpBB Geo Topics 0.8.5 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

new version 0.9

[misc] major re-work for performance|client bandwidth - by default MOD uses minimum sql queries and as less traffic as possible
[misc] access permissions segregated from map appearance, ability to attach POI in post|reply managed by forum permissions (enabled by default). Map appearance mode managed via forum acp on per forum basis (turned off by default).
[fix] POI tab does not appear on 'quote' reply
[add] prosilver post form inplace position finder
[remove] forum acp enable|disable integration radio button
[add] 'No integration' mode in forum ACP - please note this is default!!! you have to proceed to forum acp to switch it on to mode you will decide.
[add] POI button for every post containing POI info regardless of permissions or integration mode. Shows all the topic's POIs in popup. Automatically shows balloon for POI has been clicked.
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Re: [RC3] phpBB Geo Topics 0.9.0 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

subsilver2 + quick fix for premodded boards 0.9.1 http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=106

[add] compatibility with Thanks For Post MOD installed prior
[add] subsilver2
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Re: [RC3] phpBB Geo Topics 0.9.0 - Google | Bing | Yandex |

Post by ostridm »

[0.9.5] - http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=109
[add] get rid of popup screens where it is possible (almost anywhere)
[add] show in-page map even if forum set to 'no integration'
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Re: [RC] phpBB Geo Topics 0.9.6 - Google | Bing | Yandex | O

Post by leschek »

0.9.6 feedback:

1. When I ran update script it got lot of errors. Here is a few of them:

Code: Select all

Adding acp module: Nastavení Geo témat
ERROR: Module already exists.

Adding new config variable: ymsm_jquery_load
ERROR: Config variable ymsm_jquery_load already exists.

Adding new config variable: ymsm_jquery_path
ERROR: Config variable ymsm_jquery_path already exists.
But uninstalling a and installing it again was without any problem. I guess it would run OK without reinstalling of the MOD, but I didn't try.

2.When I opened the coordinates finder to find location for POI in post, map was blue - it took me while before I realized that I was in the middle of the sea on position 0,0. Would be possible to make central point of finder same as central point of forum map where the finder is?

3. There is not blue stripe with POIs anymore? (I mean it's white now)

4. I kind of prefer to have POIs from replies displayed on forum map and main map too. Would be possible to make switch in ACP, so admin can choose, if he/she wants to show all POIs on main map (and all POIs from forum on forum map). Or make the POIs editable by moderator or admin, so they can choose what POIs show where?

Thank you for working on this MOD
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Re: [RC] phpBB Geo Topics 0.9.6 - Google | Bing | Yandex | O

Post by ostridm »

hi leschek

please try this http://www.krasnogorie.net/geo/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=111

it incorporates some coordinates selection changes when user post new topic or replies to post

1) this is a bug - fixed
2) re-worked
3) please provide the screen shot? probably stylesheet cache was not updated at the proxy, look at the demo site. is it ok? I did some magic with styles cache.
4) may be. but now it will lead to much wok on presentation layer it is better to concentrate on stability. the functions are good enough for first release.

again, thank you for feedback and good ideas.

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