Modification Name: phpBB3-knowledgebase
Author: Pertneer
Previous Authors:poppertom69, Imladris
Modification Description: A full Knowledge Base add-on for phpBB 3.0.11 and higher.
Modification Version: 1.0.7 RC1
MOD License: This mod is released under GNU General Public License v2
- Full article database with adding, editing and deleting
- Global permissions can be set for each article action
- Full comment system
- Full attachment support (both articles and comments)
- Moderator module with ability to change article status, as well as private comments to the article
- Administration module with full configuration
- User bookmarking and subscription to articles.
- Ability to search the article base
- Full history of articles available, possible with some sort of annonate / diff tool
- All articles automatically generate user specified tags
- Article icons and article types available
- Article rating system
- A RSS feed generator
- E-mail article to a friend
- Export article to word/pdf
- Social bookmarking of article
- Most popular articles
- Related articles using tags
- Request article - lets users write a short description they want a article made into useful for support
- Customizeable plugin system
- Localized category permissions
Planned Features:
- Fix language issues (complete)
- Change some styling to closer resemble's own knowledgebase articles (complete)
- change installer to simplify installation
- Moderator notification of articles (complete)
- add bbcodes to allow uniform article presentation (complete)
- kb
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- username
- userid
- anchor
- anchorlink
- ?
Demo URL:Demo Currently just to preview
Demo Username: n/a
Demo Password: n/a
Modification Download:Version 1.0.7 RC1
Git Repository:
Current list of fixed bugs:Bugs already addressed sorted by version Please check here before adding new one to the bug tracker