I don't know what happened and whether or not it was the result of the article count change (changing it back did nothing though), but all of the sudden the category I created vanished (not deleted, just not showing) and under "Latest Article" it says "No articles have been created yet!" when I know I've created 4. The KB index says "This club has no Message Boards" (that message is supposed to be for another mod, so I'm supposing it's a language conflict). When I go directly to the category I created (
http://chenschool.elementfx.com/phpBB3/kb.php?c=2) it says I don't have permission, but I have all the permissions set up correctly. :/
EDIT: Resetting database.
EDIT: Imported saved SQL files. That did nothing -_-
EDIT: Fixed it, so far. Still have the article count problem - before importing the sql (which had the four articles) I had 1 article. I deleted the category that came with the mod along with the article but the 1 remained
EDIT: Take that back. It seems like editing the article count in user_articles makes the category I created disappear. Now I have to start all over again
EDIT: Okay I give up on importing SQL files and editing the field user_articles. Those just ruin it. I just decided to reset database - again - and edit the "Your First Category" into the category I had before and editing the example article. Now I just have the problem of the "Knowledge Base Statistics" total articles being completely off
EDIT: So in conclusion, now all I need to fix is the Total articles under KB stats. I'm afraid of editing the database now though, because it says there are no categories when I edited the user_articles field, as I mentioned before.