What this forum's for

Get help developing custom BBCodes or request one.
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Posts: 10613
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:41 pm
Location: Texas, USA
Name: Patrick Webster

What this forum's for

Post by Noxwizard »

The purpose of this forum is to acquire assistance while developing custom BBCodes for your forum. Once a BBCode has been completed, we may move it to the Customisation Database if you haven't already. At that point, the topic would be locked with a link pointing to its support section. If you do not want your BBCode submitted, just leave a note in your topic stating so. If we've already moved it, just contact a Support Team member and we'll remove it from the Customisation Database.

If you are looking for assistance with a BBCode from the Customisation Database, please use that contribution's support section.
[Support Template] - [Read Before Posting] - [phpBB Knowledge Base]
Do not contact me for private support, please share the question in our forums.

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