[Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

For style authors to post and receive feedback on 3.0.x styles still in development. Any development styles you wish to use on your live board should be installed with caution!
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Astarnim »

Sorry, there was a typo. I wanted to write that I like.

Yes, compatibility with phpBB Social Network is not mandatory, but I used this modification. And since you are the better off you knew, I wanted to ask if at first glance it can be said that it would not work together or whether they will be.


Omlouvám se, došlo k překlepu. Chtěl jsem napsat, že se mi líbí.

Ano, kompatibilita s phpBB Social Network povinná není, ale rád bych tuto modifikaci využíval. A jelikož vy se v tom lépe vyznáte, chtěl jsem se zeptat jestli už na první pohled se dá říci, že to společně nebude fungovat či zda bude.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Astarnim »


So I downloaded and style after a while examining me very surprised. Compared to other styles for phpBB seems to me that this is a terrible mess. Some files in style is just a few times (which unnecessarily increases the size of the style). Some css files refer to a folder called language (en), which I think is also not the best.

I would therefore ask the author whether it plans to fix this mess somehow, and whether any idea when style is approved.

Thank you :)



Tak jsem si styl stáhnul a po chvíli zkoumání mě velice překvapil. Oproti jiným stylům pro phpBB mi přijde, že v tomhle je hrozný chaos. Některé soubory se ve stylu nachází hned několikrát (což zbytečně zvětšuje velikost stylu). Některé css soubory odkazují na složky s názvem jazyka (en), což podle mě také není nejlepší.

Chtěl bych se tedy zeptat autora, zda plánuje tento chaos nějak opravit a zda má nějakou představu, kdy styl bude schválen.

Děkuji :)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Astarnim wrote:Hello,

So I downloaded and style after a while examining me very surprised. Compared to other styles for phpBB seems to me that this is a terrible mess. Some files in style is just a few times (which unnecessarily increases the size of the style). Some css files refer to a folder called language (en), which I think is also not the best.

I would therefore ask the author whether it plans to fix this mess somehow, and whether any idea when style is approved.

Thank you :)



Tak jsem si styl stáhnul a po chvíli zkoumání mě velice překvapil. Oproti jiným stylům pro phpBB mi přijde, že v tomhle je hrozný chaos. Některé soubory se ve stylu nachází hned několikrát (což zbytečně zvětšuje velikost stylu). Některé css soubory odkazují na složky s názvem jazyka (en), což podle mě také není nejlepší.

Chtěl bych se tedy zeptat autora, zda plánuje tento chaos nějak opravit a zda má nějakou představu, kdy styl bude schválen.

Děkuji :)
Terrible mess? Please point out the bugs which need to be fixed. And I am finding it hard to understand your replies.
I have submitted the theme to the phpBB styles Database. It will be approved(hopefully soon!) if the Junior Style validators don't find any bugs.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Holger »

Thanks a lot for the style!

I have one question: when lookin at the forum on a very narrow screen, I still have to scroll to the right.
Shouldnt some elements (like Number of topics/Number of posts/Last post) be hidden when the screen gets narrow? (same thing in viewforum and so on)
I think the style is not responsive as it is now or am I doing something wrong? :oops:
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Holger wrote:Thanks a lot for the style!

I have one question: when lookin at the forum on a very narrow screen, I still have to scroll to the right.
Shouldnt some elements (like Number of topics/Number of posts/Last post) be hidden when the screen gets narrow? (same thing in viewforum and so on)
I think the style is not responsive as it is now or am I doing something wrong? :oops:
v.2.0 is not yet completely responsive. Will update it ASAP.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Holger »

Very very cool! Looking forward to it! :D
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Astarnim »

The first problem that I found is to display the information: No messages under incoming private messages (see image). And in the file colours.css is /en/button_topic_reply.gif but when the folder is renamed to CS and should be references do different?

Another thing is that I do not know why it is in the style 2x component with the same content: imageset/en and theme/en.


První problém který jsem našel je zobrazení informace: Žádné zprávy v položce příchozí soukromé zprávy (viz náhled). Dále v css souboru colours.css se nachází /en/button_topic_reply.gif ale ve chvíli, kdy přejmenuji složku na cs tak by měl být odkaz přeci jiný?

Další věc je, že nevím proč je ve stylu 2x složka s tím samým obsahem: imageset/en and theme/en.

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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by darkcloud784 »

You announced prior that there would be a "grid" version released for those that would like side bar/borders. Any idea what the progress on this is?
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Holger »

Any news on this?
We are eager to use this theme because it is simply beautiful.
But it should be completely responsive first.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by shibulijack »

Holger wrote:Any news on this?
We are eager to use this theme because it is simply beautiful.
But it should be completely responsive first.
I am a little busy for now. Will complete the theme (make it completely responsive etc..) by the end of June.
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Holger »

Cool! Perfect!

Thank you!
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by QenTox »

I am really looking forward to this one. Looks absolutely amazing. Hopefully it will be finished soon. Excellent work Shibu! ;)
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Tauranian »


Your style is very nice. Do you have a version that is not made ​​for phpBB 3.0.x to phpBB 3.1 version but once that is done only for phpBB 3.1?
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by Dr4rqua »

I think it is great style but i would suggest you to work somehow more with width ot the board .
I think it is a bit ugly if it is so wide :D
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Re: [Release] proBoot v.2.0 - phpBB theme based on Bootstrap

Post by eddyxv »

Any update for proboot?

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