Terrible mess? Please point out the bugs which need to be fixed. And I am finding it hard to understand your replies.Astarnim wrote:Hello,
So I downloaded and style after a while examining me very surprised. Compared to other styles for phpBB seems to me that this is a terrible mess. Some files in style is just a few times (which unnecessarily increases the size of the style). Some css files refer to a folder called language (en), which I think is also not the best.
I would therefore ask the author whether it plans to fix this mess somehow, and whether any idea when style is approved.
Thank you
Tak jsem si styl stáhnul a po chvíli zkoumání mě velice překvapil. Oproti jiným stylům pro phpBB mi přijde, že v tomhle je hrozný chaos. Některé soubory se ve stylu nachází hned několikrát (což zbytečně zvětšuje velikost stylu). Některé css soubory odkazují na složky s názvem jazyka (en), což podle mě také není nejlepší.
Chtěl bych se tedy zeptat autora, zda plánuje tento chaos nějak opravit a zda má nějakou představu, kdy styl bude schválen.
v.2.0 is not yet completely responsive. Will update it ASAP.Holger wrote:Thanks a lot for the style!
I have one question: when lookin at the forum on a very narrow screen, I still have to scroll to the right.
Shouldnt some elements (like Number of topics/Number of posts/Last post) be hidden when the screen gets narrow? (same thing in viewforum and so on)
I think the style is not responsive as it is now or am I doing something wrong?
I am a little busy for now. Will complete the theme (make it completely responsive etc..) by the end of June.Holger wrote:Any news on this?
We are eager to use this theme because it is simply beautiful.
But it should be completely responsive first.