The goal of this theme is to be full of features to fit everyone's needs & wants.
If you want a feature included, now is the time to speak up below...
Development plan.
Options for Admins
*Ability to choose default theme color.
*Option to allow users to choose color.
*Option to choose logo or text in header.
*Option to have header icon text or just icons only.
*Option to display header search results as topics instead of posts.
*Ability to display profile info on the left or right side in topicview.
*More to be announced later...
Options for Guests & Users
*Ability to choose theme color.
*Ability to show/hide header search.
*More to be announced later...
Other features
*Expanding header allows all size logos & banners to fit.
*Fixed footer that stays the same size and at the bottom of a page at all times.
*New pm notification.
*Support for "Right to Left" languages.
*More to be announced later...