Construct I-cons

For style authors to post and receive feedback on 3.0.x styles still in development. Any development styles you wish to use on your live board should be installed with caution!
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Name: Robert Tarr

Construct I-cons

Post by Celticfox317 »

I'm not really new to phpBB I have the older 2.0 version still on my HDD lol! And somewhere in my files I had done mapping of the css and stylesheets but that was 8 years ago, guess it's time to start a new css map and stylesheet .. :mrgreen:

I was just wondering if people are interested in Construction Icons?? I am making up a theme set for use with phpBB 3.0.11 and just wanted some feed back?

Thanks all,

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Registered User
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Joined: Sat May 11, 2013 5:50 am
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Name: Robert Tarr

Re: Construct I-cons

Post by Celticfox317 »

Seems the update for the photo doesn't refresh on the newest version so lets try this shall we.

Enjoy :D


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