- Use phpBB's e-mail validation: Replace obvious literal.
Code: Select all
if( !function_exists( 'validate_data' ) ) { global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx; include( $phpbb_root_path. 'includes/functions_user.'. $phpEx ); $aError= validate_data ( array // Data to validate ( 'email'=> 'well... the e-mail address to be checked' , array // Validation settings ( 'email'=> array // For e-mail addresses... ( array ( 'email' // ...check syntax ) ) ) ) ); // Should only have a length of 0 or 1 if( count( $aError ) ) return $aError[0]; }
- Add the field ident in uppercase:
Code: Select all
return 'URL_INVALID_'. strtoupper( $sIdent );
- Open /language/*/ucp.php and find: Before, add:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
/*** 2013-06-14 BEGIN AmigoJack http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=2186548 ***/ 'URL_INVALID_MY_TWITTER'=> 'Twitter URI invalid', 'URL_INVALID_MY_PLUSGOOGLE'=> 'Google+ URI invalid', ... /*** 2013-06-14 ***/