I have no idea what is causing the problem (I haven't written any PHP for ages), but I know that updating your PHP would fix it - and it's probably a good idea anyway, as you're running a PHP version too low to update to phpBB 3.1.Anuj Dhawan wrote:Is there some role of PHP version as well here, for the installation of this "MOD"?
was added in PHP 5.3, apparently. Either update your PHP (recommended), or replace __DIR__
with dirname(__FILE__)
.1. I've changed this in the ideas/includes/ideas.php fileAnuj Dhawan wrote:1. Whenever a new idea is posted, the author of its comes as "Anonymous", why?
2. Can we delete the idea itself? I'm able to delete "the posts made by idea" but not the idea itself.
Edit: I realized that I've deleted the underlying topics and not the idea...oops I think that's the reason 2 point, above, comes in...
Code: Select all
'poster_id' => IDEAS_POSTER_ID,
Code: Select all
poster_id' => $user->data['user_id'],
Is there any way round for that. Please advise.Anuj Dhawan wrote:2. Can we delete the idea itself? I'm able to delete "the posts made by idea" but not the idea itself.
Edit: I realized that I've deleted the underlying topics and not the idea...oops I think that's the reason 2 point, above, comes in...
OpenAnuj Dhawan wrote:I see the heading as "phpBB Ideas" - is there any way to change it to something different, e.g., "New Ideas"?
Code: Select all
<h2>phpBB Ideas</h2>
phpBB Ideas
with your desired text.Jessica wrote:http://chenschool.elementfx.com/phpBB3/ideas/index.php
There's nothing under Top Ideas but when I go click View All one idea appears. So I don't know why that idea isn't appearing on the ideas index page..
- are you logged in and then you see "no idea/s listed", when you click on "View All..."? Because as a guest when I click on "View All...", is shows this error:There's nothing under Top Ideas but when I go click View All one idea appears. So I don't know why that idea isn't appearing on the ideas index page..
I think that gives a clue.General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]
Unknown column 'ideas_status' in 'where clause' [1054]
Code: Select all
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<h2>phpBB Ideas</h2>
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