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[quote="[url=]Lawyer[/url]"]Пока ты пишешь - она интересна[/quote]Даже не двузначно, трехзначно! :lol:
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[quote="[url=]Lawyer[/url]"]Пока ты пишешь - она интересна[/quote]Даже не двузначно, трехзначно! :lol:
The problem is you made the username a link, which it should not really be done. I'll look into it though.FomenkoAndrey wrote:quick replay, u think, but is it possible to fix? because in QR by Tatyana in 3.1 this code will too.
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[quote="[b]nickname[/b]"]quoted post[/quote]
to the list of bbcodes to be stripped. This will stop it from being broken, but quotes will not be stripped when you make the quoted username a url.Don't! You're not supposed to use bbcodes inside another bbcode tag. This is not the same as nesting bbcodes. This is actually just an exploit in the bbcode system, but it is not meant to be used this way, so doing so will lead to breakages and unexpected results.Mauron wrote:Uhm...
What if, for example, I put b in hide list and I use it in a quote like this:How would Topic preview handle this event?Code: Select all
[quote="[b]nickname[/b]"]quoted post[/quote]
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[quote="владимир1983"][post]3825[/post] Много переделали. Чего только генерация конфига под nginx стоит[/quote]
That is a normal nested bbcode which is compatible. Just addFomenkoAndrey wrote:i use this ext viewtopic.php?f=456&t=2259196
and it create bbcodeswill be good if your ext will be compatible with structure bbcodes QR, because QR the most popular extension of RU forums.Code: Select all
[quote="владимир1983"][post]3825[/post] Много переделали. Чего только генерация конфига под nginx стоит[/quote]
to the bbcodes to strip in the settings too.Thank you! Any updates in the lang-files?VSE wrote:Updated a new RC release version! See first post.
Nope. Nothing new to translate, but they have been re-arranged.Holger wrote:Thank you! Any updates in the lang-files?