[BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Software

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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Edward572 »

Well my forum is http://forum.stormersoft.com, the code is posted, bring on the bots...
Registration protected by my software in Q&A...
tick talk tick talk tick talk
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by T0ny »

Edward572 wrote:
bring on the bots...
Registration protected by my software in Q&A...
tick talk tick talk tick talk
So you'd like a demonstration? Why didn't you say :)

Code: Select all


$q = array(
	'With the exception of the last character (:), what are the last two characters and first four characters of |T=_u]\MpDH96WwTex;[KEJaU;?s',
	'With the exception of the last character (:), what are the first five characters and last four characters of @y;nnl:`>KXP>Ykay:TCAGD>g=q;',
	'With the exception of the last character (:), what are the last two characters and first three characters of kh5nxRW{?`EycCW;gYdydjtnmXXT',
	'With the exception of the last character (:), what are the first five characters and last five characters of GPjaQ<LU;ZpSN\f>JYdzAY|JPD=3'

$w = array('two' => 2, 'three' => 3, 'four' => 4, 'five' => 5);
$p = '#(fir|la)st\s(\S*)\schar.*?(la|fir)st\s(\S*)\schar.*?of\s(\S*)#';
$m = array();

foreach ($q AS $s) {
	echo('Question: ' . $s . '<br>Answer: ' . a($s) . '<br><br>');

function a($s) {
	global $p, $m;
	preg_match($p, $s, $m);
	return (f($m[1], $m[2], $m[5]) . f($m[3], $m[4], $m[5]));

function f($o, $c, $r) {
	global $w;
	$l = $w[$c];
	$s = ((ord($o[0])|32)==102) ? 0 : 0 - $l;
	return substr($r, $s, $l);

Question: With the exception of the last character (:), what are the last two characters and first four characters of |T=_u]\MpDH96WwTex;[KEJaU;?s
Answer: ?s|T=_

Question: With the exception of the last character (:), what are the first five characters and last four characters of @y;nnl:`>KXP>Ykay:TCAGD>g=q;
Answer: @y;nng=q;

Question: With the exception of the last character (:), what are the last two characters and first three characters of kh5nxRW{?`EycCW;gYdydjtnmXXT
Answer: XTkh5

Question: With the exception of the last character (:), what are the first five characters and last five characters of GPjaQJYdzAY|JPD=3
Answer: GPjaQJPD=3
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by 5hocK »

stevemaury wrote:So, if I had the question "Who is Walt Disney"? you would never be able to register at my board?
Don't think I could register. What's the answer?
A man?
A dead man?
A famous person?
An American?
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by stevemaury »

The person who made Snow White and The Three Little Pigs known around the world.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Danielx64 »

Tested but I rather have a question that has a meaning to the forum, like if it about taylor swift or celine dion, ask a question about her.
Please note that I will not be porting any of my mods to phpBB 3.1. Sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.
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Re: Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator

Post by Pony99CA »

stevemaury wrote:
Pony99CA wrote: That answer is ambiguous. There are three little pigs, three musketeers (four if you count d'Artagnan), seven dwarves and you (if you call yourself a "critter"). You should really accept 13, 14 and 15.
It's not ambiguous. Dumas did not entitle the book "The Three Musketeers and Four if you count D'Artagnan".
You simply asked how many there were, not how many were in the book's title, hence it's ambigous.
stevemaury wrote:13 is only correct if somehow you assume yourself to not be a critter, whereas dwarves and Musketeers are.
Which is why I said if you call yourself a "critter". Do you call yourself a critter? Plus, many people probably wouldn't count themselves anyway (similar to why the "While I was going to St. Ives" question often gets people).

I don't mean to pick on your question, though. I'm using it to make my point that it's not easy to come up with a great question like that.
stevemaury wrote:
Pony99CA wrote:It's also bad because it assumes a lot of cultural awareness. (Do people in other countries know about the three little pigs, or Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?)
So, if I had the question "Who is Walt Disney"? you would never be able to register at my board?
As ShocK said, that would be a horrible question because it's too open-ended.
stevemaury wrote:The person who made Snow White and The Three Little Pigs known around the world.
I think that the Brothers Grimm made "Snow White" famous long before Disney made the movie. Similarly, the Three Little Pigs was a tale many years before Disney made the short in the 1930s. Disney adapted many classics into film, but shouldn't get credit for the stories. Plus, while many kids today may have heard of Disney (the company), how many know what Walt Disney actually did? Heck, even I didn't know that he made the "Three Little Pigs" into a film. ;)

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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by Edward572 »

First Post to download and view latest public release.
Outputs Below: (First Edition)
½S½T¼O¼P ¼R½E½G ¼S¼P½A½M N½O½W¼ Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.


5NnO MnO5R5En nR5E5G SnPnA5Mn Please Disregard '5', 'n', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.


7H7A7T7E ?R7E?G S7P?A7M? ?u?S72717c7l7M Please Disregard '?', '7', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.

Try you'll like the results...

BETA v1.0.1.10 View

Protected with RegSpam Killer v1.0.1.10
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by T0ny »

Tried it...

Code: Select all


$q = array(
			"½S½T¼O¼P   ¼R½E½G   ¼S¼P½A½M   N½O½W¼   Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.",
			"wS^TwOwP   ^RwE^G   wS^PwA^M   N^OwW^   Please Disregard 'w', '^', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.",
			"SFTqOqPq   qRFEFG   SFPqAqMq   FNqOqW   Please Disregard 'q', 'F', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.",
			"1½0½0½%½   G½e¼n¼u½i½n½e¼   ¼S¼n½a½k¼e   O¼i½l¼   Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.",
			"l¼:¼B½v¼d¼   ½4½Q½a¼s¼n   ¼[½L¼@½^¼]   q½7¼5¼x½7¼m¼q½   Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer."

$p = '#(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*)\s*(\S*).*?disregard\s\'(.?)\',\s\'(.?)\'#i';
$m = array();

foreach ($q AS $s) {
	echo('Question: ' . $s . '<br>Answer: ' . a($s) . '<br><br>');

function a($s){
	global $p, $m;
	$s = preg_replace('#[\xBD\xBC]#', '', $s);
	$r = '';
	preg_match($p, $s, $m);
	$m[5] = ($m[5]!=$r)?(($m[6]!=$r)?array($m[5],$m[6]):$m[5]):(($m[6]==$r)?$r:$m[6]);
	for ($i=1; $i<5; $i++){
		$r .= (($m[5]!='')?str_replace($m[5],'',$m[$i]):$m[$i]).' ';
	return trim($r);

Question: ½S½T¼O¼P ¼R½E½G ¼S¼P½A½M N½O½W¼ Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.

Question: wS^TwOwP ^RwE^G wS^PwA^M N^OwW^ Please Disregard 'w', '^', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.

Question: SFTqOqPq qRFEFG SFPqAqMq FNqOqW Please Disregard 'q', 'F', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.

Question: 1½0½0½%½ G½e¼n¼u½i½n½e¼ ¼S¼n½a½k¼e O¼i½l¼ Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.
Answer: 100% Genuine Snake Oil

Question: l¼:¼B½v¼d¼ ½4½Q½a¼s¼n ¼[½L¼@½^¼] q½7¼5¼x½7¼m¼q½ Please Disregard '¼', '½', and put the four words in order, use one space between each word in the answer.
Answer: l:Bvd 4Qasn [L@^] q75x7mq
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by Edward572 »

That was the simplistic question, on the first major revision.
XCxAXT xDXoxG XaxRex XCoXoxl, No 'x' or 'X', please put the last word first, and the first word in reverse last and word two and three to follow one in order.

Cool DoG aRe TAC
First version only has one type of question format, working on a bit more complex Q&A, the questions can be asked in different ways, just by changing a few words with this version.

Next will have different types of Q&A, thanks for the tests
1. Q&A asked in different way, don't disregard 'X' or "x" etc
2. Reverse
3. Take out a word
4. Reverse entire question
5. Need about 10-20 Q&A to make it less "Snake Oilly", as you say
Just making BOT coding more complex... Will need code for the different types of Q&A...
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by T0ny »

Edward572 wrote:Just making BOT coding more complex...
But that, of course, is all you are doing. The bots will still be able to extract the correct answer with 100% accuracy, it will just take slightly more than 12 lines of PHP to do it. :)
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by Edward572 »

T0ny wrote:
Edward572 wrote:Just making BOT coding more complex...
But that, of course, is all you are doing. The bots will still be able to extract the correct answer with 100% accuracy, it will just take slightly more than 12 lines of PHP to do it. :)
Wait for the next release, and your BOT PHP code will be like 100 lines :D

1. Remove a word, reverse word, ask opposite, etc
Well it makes it easier to see the different questions, but coding for each different will soon get too complex I think, we will see you break the next version, besides these are text boxes and can be edited by user to make even more complex.
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by BCFbuilderboy »

Just tried to register on your forum and 3 times told I had put the wrong answer in, as I'm intelligent enough to remove the X's and copyright's and see the four words I gave up.
Just to make sure it wasn't me I then asked my father and 11 year old nephew the same questions and they had the same answer as I did :? I suspect there is something wrong with the way its set up to give out that message.

I will keep an eye on this topic and perhaps install it if it gets the thumbs up from others but I would sooner risk the Q&A I have than loose potential members.
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by Edward572 »

BCFbuilderboy wrote:Just tried to register on your forum and 3 times told I had put the wrong answer in, as I'm intelligent enough to remove the X's and copyright's and see the four words I gave up.
Just to make sure it wasn't me I then asked my father and 11 year old nephew the same questions and they had the same answer as I did :? I suspect there is something wrong with the way its set up to give out that message.

I will keep an eye on this topic and perhaps install it if it gets the thumbs up from others but I would sooner risk the Q&A I have than loose potential members.
UserID: test_example
Email: [email protected]

Your account is there I just did not admin activate, since no proper e-mail.

So it worked, just more security with admin activation, even if it was e-mail activation it would not have worked either since e-mail is bad address.
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by BCFbuilderboy »

I think your wrong Edward....

If my account is there .. a) why can't I log in ? b) why am I being told my username and password don't exist when trying to retrieve a new password ?

Why is my e-mail not a proper one or a bad address ?...it works everywhere else.

If as you say I did register why did it tell me the answer was wrong ? and present me with the registration fields again ?

I'm not wanting to be awkward or critical about this mod but if what you say is right then every time a new user registers will they be told they have wrongly answered a question when in fact they have successfully registered an account ? seems very odd if you think that should be how it works :?
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Re: [BETA]Q&A Registration Counter Measures Generator Softwa

Post by Edward572 »

BCFbuilderboy wrote:I think your wrong Edward....

If my account is there .. a) why can't I log in ? b) why am I being told my username and password don't exist when trying to retrieve a new password ?

Why is my e-mail not a proper one or a bad address ?...it works everywhere else.

If as you say I did register why did it tell me the answer was wrong ? and present me with the registration fields again ?

I'm not wanting to be awkward or critical about this mod but if what you say is right then every time a new user registers will they be told they have wrongly answered a question when in fact they have successfully registered an account ? seems very odd if you think that should be how it works :?
Admin activating your account is complete, try account now, so the QA worked...

Cheers All, Have A Good One

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