AJAX preview ???Татьяна5 wrote:Bbcodes fade, spoil, BBvideo (all bbcodes which use javascript) don't work in the ajax preview
AJAX preview ???Татьяна5 wrote:Bbcodes fade, spoil, BBvideo (all bbcodes which use javascript) don't work in the ajax preview
That Quickreply extension isn't loading the abbc3.min.js script with its AJAX preview content.Татьяна5 wrote:Yes, ajax preview in the QuickReply ext - https://github.com/Tatiana5/QuickReply
(If not working in ajax preview, it will not work in other cases ajax dynamic loading content)
Code: Select all
$(".spoilbtn").on("click", function () {
Code: Select all
$(document).on("click", ".spoilbtn", function () {
It doesn't, but the bb-code bar breaks the alignment of the smilies.VSE wrote:This extension has nothing to do with smilies.Going4Quests wrote:Erm can I report a little glitch here?
This happens when editing your signature, the smilies are a bit misaligned.
No, it does not. The smilies at the bottom, the one with the glasses, are wider than the others.Going4Quests wrote:It doesn't, but the bb-code bar breaks the alignment of the smilies.VSE wrote:This extension has nothing to do with smilies.Going4Quests wrote:Erm can I report a little glitch here?
This happens when editing your signature, the smilies are a bit misaligned.
OK, you're right... boils down to event delegation.Татьяна5 wrote:Bbcodes fade, spoil, BBvideo (all bbcodes which use javascript) don't work in the ajax preview
Code: Select all
$('#preview .content').html(res.PREVIEW_TEXT);
Code: Select all
<!-- IF S_ABBC3_INSTALLED -->$('#preview .bbvideo').bbvideo();<!-- ENDIF -->
<table style="{TEXT}"><!-- {TEXT1} --></table>
tr --><tr style="{TEXT}"><!-- {TEXT1} --></tr><!-- tr
td --> <td style="{TEXT}">{TEXT1}</td> <!-- td
No, just hides content from guests. It's for members only content.mr.ruf wrote:a question, this extension, the hide, hide those content are not registered, right? hides the content but also to those who have not made a post in a thread?
translation: Code: Select all
* Advanced BBCode Box 3.1 [Arabic]
* Arabic traslation by dzyasseron tajribaty.com/phpbb for phpbbarabia.com
* @copyright (c) 2013 Matt Friedman
* @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)
if (!defined('IN_PHPBB'))
if (empty($lang) || !is_array($lang))
$lang = array();
$lang = array_merge($lang, array(
// Hidden BBCode
'ABBC3_HIDDEN_ON' => 'محتوى مخفي',
'ABBC3_HIDDEN_OFF' => 'محتوى مخفي (للأعضاء فقط)',
'ABBC3_HIDDEN_EXPLAIN' => 'هذا المنتدى يطلب التسجيل أو الدخول لمشاهدة المحتوى المخفي.',
// Spoiler BBCode
'ABBC3_SPOILER_SHOW' => '► Show Spoiler',
'ABBC3_SPOILER_HIDE' => '▼ Hide Spoiler',
// Off Topic BBCode
'ABBC3_OFFTOPIC' => 'موضوع مغلق',
// Font BBCode
'ABBC3_FONT_BBCODE' => 'قائمة الخطوط',
'ABBC3_FONT_FANCY' => 'Fancy fonts',
'ABBC3_FONT_SAFE' => 'Safe fonts',
'ABBC3_FONT_WIN' => 'Windows fonts',
// BBCode help lines
'ABBC3_ALIGN_HELPLINE' => 'محاذات النص: [align=center|left|right|justify]نص[/align]',
'ABBC3_BBVIDEO_HELPLINE' => 'فيديو: [BBvideo=width,height]http://video_url[/BBvideo]',
'ABBC3_BLUR_HELPLINE' => 'Blur text: [blur=color]نص[/blur]',
'ABBC3_DIR_HELPLINE' => 'اتجاه الكتابة: [dir=ltr|rtl]نص[/dir]',
'ABBC3_DROPSHADOW_HELPLINE' => 'Drop shadow text: [dropshadow=color]نص[/dropshadow]',
'ABBC3_FADE_HELPLINE' => 'Text fadein / fadeout: [fade]نص[/fade]',
'ABBC3_FLOAT_HELPLINE' => 'Float text: [float=left|right]نص[/float]',
'ABBC3_FONT_HELPLINE' => 'Font type: [font=Comic Sans MS]نص[/font]',
'ABBC3_GLOW_HELPLINE' => 'Glow text: [glow=color]نص[/glow]',
'ABBC3_HIDDEN_HELPLINE' => 'إخفاء عن الزوار: [hidden]نص[/hidden]',
'ABBC3_HIGHLIGHT_HELPLINE' => 'Highlight text: [highlight=yellow]نص[/highlight] Tip: you can also use color=#FF0000',
'ABBC3_MARQUEE_HELPLINE' => 'Marquee text: [marq=up|down|left|right]نص[/marq]',
'ABBC3_MOD_HELPLINE' => 'رسالة تنبيه: [mod=username]نص[/mod]',
'ABBC3_NFO_HELPLINE' => 'NFO ascii art text: [nfo]نص[/nfo]',
'ABBC3_OFFTOPIC_HELPLINE' => 'Off Topic message: [offtopic]نص[/offtopic]',
'ABBC3_PREFORMAT_HELPLINE' => 'Preformatted text: [pre]نص[/pre]',
'ABBC3_SHADOW_HELPLINE' => 'Shadow text: [shadow=color]نص[/shadow]',
'ABBC3_SOUNDCLOUD_HELPLINE' => '[soundcloud]http://soundcloud.com/user-name/song-title[/soundcloud]',
'ABBC3_SPOILER_HELPLINE' => 'Spoiler message: [spoil]نص[/spoil]',
'ABBC3_STRIKE_HELPLINE' => 'Strike-through text: [s]نص[/s]',
'ABBC3_SUB_HELPLINE' => 'نص منخفض: [sub]نص[/sub]',
'ABBC3_SUP_HELPLINE' => 'نص مرتفع: [sup]نص[/sup]',
'ABBC3_YOUTUBE_HELPLINE' => 'يوتوب فيديو: [youtube]http://youtube_url[/youtube]',
// Utility BBCodes
'ABBC3_COPY_BBCODE' => 'نسخ النص المحدد',
'ABBC3_PASTE_BBCODE' => 'لصق النص من الحافظة',
'ABBC3_PASTE_ERROR' => 'يجب عليك نسخ جزء من النص، بعدها الصقه',
'ABBC3_PLAIN_BBCODE' => 'حذف تنسيق النص المحدد (حذف الBBcode(',
'ABBC3_NOSELECT_ERROR' => 'لا يوجد نص محدد.',
// BBCode Wizards
'ABBC3_BBCODE_WIZ_SUBMIT' => 'Insert into message',
// BBvideo Wizard
'ABBC3_BBVIDEO_SITES' => 'المواقع المتاحة',
'ABBC3_BBVIDEO_LINK' => 'رابط الفيديو',
'ABBC3_BBVIDEO_SIZE' => 'فيديو عرض x طول',
'ABBC3_BBVIDEO_PRESETS' => 'حجم العرض',
// ACP
'ABBC3_BBCODE_ORDERED' => 'تم تحديث BBCode المطلوب.',
'ABBC3_BBCODE_GROUP' => 'إدارة المجموعات التي يمكنها استعمال هذا الـ BBCode',
'ABBC3_BBCODE_GROUP_INFO' => 'إذا لم تحدد أي مجموعة، كل المستخدمين سيمكنهم استخدام هذا الـBBCode. استعمل CTRL+CLICK (أو CMD+CLICK في ماك) لتحديد/إلغاء تحديد أكثر من مجموعة واحدة.',