[CDB] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Funkycowie »

Just upgraded my board from 3.0.11 to 3.1.0 gold and all functions work just fine, cheers for making this :D
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by lukiaensyl »

I'm not seeing it in the ACP once the folder has been placed in the correct location, /ext/phpbb/vse/abbc3? I also tried /ext/phpbb/abbc3 and still nothing. I'm sure it's most likely something little that I've missed. The official extensions have shown up instantly, strange. Any ideas? Thanks in advanced!
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by moviehive »

Is there an admin interface or is it just the new BBcodes it's added?
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by lukiaensyl »

moviehive wrote:Is there an admin interface or is it just the new BBcodes it's added?
I just don't see it as a disabled mod in the ACP -> Customise -> Manage Extensions. It's strange, I've tried adding other unofficial mods and none of them will show as a disabled mod. I don't get what I'm doing wrong? All of the official ones appear instantly but I've had no success with anything else.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by moviehive »

I see there is a new setting in the BBcode page. Click one of the BBcodes in the admin panel BBcode page and click edit. You'll see an option where you can select which user groups can use it.

And with the buttons they show up fine in the BBcode editor in new post/new topic full pages.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by lukiaensyl »

moviehive wrote:I see there is a new setting in the BBcode page. Click one of the BBcodes in the admin panel BBcode page and click edit. You'll see an option where you can select which user groups can use it.

And with the buttons they show up fine in the BBcode editor in new post/new topic full pages.
That's not what I meant. The problem is, I'm not seeing the option to enable the mod - as in it doesn't appear as disabled in the first place. It's not an issue with the mod though I doubt, as it's happening with all other unofficial mods. That's the part that makes no sense though, I'll probably make a topic in the support forum... I don't know.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

lukiaensyl wrote:
moviehive wrote:I see there is a new setting in the BBcode page. Click one of the BBcodes in the admin panel BBcode page and click edit. You'll see an option where you can select which user groups can use it.

And with the buttons they show up fine in the BBcode editor in new post/new topic full pages.
That's not what I meant. The problem is, I'm not seeing the option to enable the mod - as in it doesn't appear as disabled in the first place. It's not an issue with the mod though I doubt, as it's happening with all other unofficial mods. That's the part that makes no sense though, I'll probably make a topic in the support forum... I don't know.
Read the install instructions in the first post.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

lukiaensyl wrote:I'm not seeing it in the ACP once the folder has been placed in the correct location, /ext/phpbb/vse/abbc3? I also tried /ext/phpbb/abbc3 and still nothing. I'm sure it's most likely something little that I've missed. The official extensions have shown up instantly, strange. Any ideas? Thanks in advanced!
wrong path, it should be phpbb/ext/vse/abbc3

in other words you should already have the phpbb/ext/ path and you just add the vse folder to that

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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by lukiaensyl »

Thanks. I knew it would be something stupid that I missed. I do however have another issue, all the previous center aligned text doesn't show centered. Although if re-submitted, it centers... I assume the same is for other bbcodes that the previous 3.0 mod used like spoilers. I would usually use the STK rephrase option to fix this.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by M.O.B. »

Any quick fix for missing [hr]?

Maybe a mysql run where we can replace it in the database. I have lots of posts that used that bbcode. :(

I don't want to get rid of it. Perhaps add a new one in BBcode to like: [hr][/hr]

I still haven't figured out the HTML code for it, but perhaps need help with fixing all of them on my database?
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

M.O.B. wrote:Any quick fix for missing [hr]?

Maybe a mysql run where we can replace it in the database. I have lots of posts that used that bbcode. :(

I don't want to get rid of it. Perhaps add a new one in BBcode to like: [hr][/hr]

I still haven't figured out the HTML code for it, but perhaps need help with fixing all of them on my database?
You can create your own [hr][/hr] bbcode that just adds <hr /> but no, no fix for the old way because it was wrong in ABBC 3.0, it wasn't a real bbcode (notice it doesn't have a close tag) so it is dead as far as upgrading to 3.1 will be concerned.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by M.O.B. »

I'd like to run a database query will it will find and replace [hr] in post_text.

SQL Query:

Code: Select all

update phpbb_posts set post_text = replace(post_text, '[hr]', '[hr][/hr]')
But I opened one post where it has it. But can't figure out why it has a certain code after it.

Code: Select all

Do you have any suggestions how I can make this work?
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by MattF »

M.O.B. wrote:I'd like to run a database query will it will find and replace [hr] in post_text.

SQL Query:

Code: Select all

update phpbb_posts set post_text = replace(post_text, '[hr]', '[hr][/hr]')
But I opened one post where it has it. But can't figure out why it has a certain code after it.

Code: Select all

Do you have any suggestions how I can make this work?
Disclaimer: I don't recommend you try to do what you are doing, and hold no responsibility for what happens as a result of what I'm about to say.

But if I were trying to do what you are doing, I would export the phpbb_posts table as an sql dump, then open that up in a very high quality/real text editor and do some bulk find/replaces to change those so they have a closing matching tag [hr:xrmm7gbv][/hr:xrmm7gbv] and then restore the new sql dump file back to the db and see what that does. Make a duplicate of your db and try it out on that first to see if it is successful, before trying it for real. A real text editor will also let you use regex/grep in the find/replace so you don't have to worry about those bbcode id codes, like find \[hr:([^\]]+)\] and replace with [hr:\1][/hr:\1]

However, personally, I would just leave it be, or just edit posts where it matters that they still work.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by JoshyPHP »

You should be able to do that in SQL directly with the following.

Code: Select all

UPDATE phpbb_posts
SET post_text = REPLACE(
	CONCAT('[hr:', bbcode_uid, ']'),
	CONCAT('[hr:', bbcode_uid, '][/hr:', bbcode_uid, ']')
WHERE post_text LIKE '%[hr:%'
Obviously you should try it out on a single test post before letting it run wild on your data.
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Re: [BETA] Advanced BBCode Box 3.1

Post by M.O.B. »

@JoshyPHP, how can I target just one post to test if it will work?

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