scrollbox & scrollbox=

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scrollbox & scrollbox=

Post by RexMundi412 »

will generate a box 98% of the width of the post body and 400px in height. The box will have a border of 1px. If there is any content that would be larger than the set size of the scrollbox, scrollbars will be generated.
Example: [scrollbox]This will generate a scrollbox 98% of the width of the post body and 400px in height.[/scrollbox]

BBCode Usage:

Code: Select all

HTML replacement:

Code: Select all

<div style="max-width:98%; max-height:400px; padding:5px; overflow:auto; resize:both; border: 1px solid;">{TEXT}</div>
Help line:

Code: Select all

[scrollbox]CONTENT[/scrollbox] | Optional: [scrollbox=WIDTH,HEIGHT]CONTENT[/scrollbox] | Example: [scrollbox=500,90]CONTENT[/scrollbox]
Help line note: If you are going to have both buttons show you will only need the 1st part of this help line.

This will create a scrollbox which users can set a specific width and height.
Example: [scrollbox=500,200]This will generate a scrollbox 500px wide and 200px in height.[/scrollbox]

BBCode Usage:

Code: Select all

HTML replacement:

Code: Select all

<div style="width:{NUMBER1}px; height:{NUMBER2}px; padding:5px; overflow:auto; resize:both; border: 1px solid;">{TEXT}</div>
Help line:

Code: Select all

[scrollbox=WIDTH,HEIGHT]CONTENT[/scrollbox] | Example: [scrollbox=500,90]CONTENT[/scrollbox]

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