phpBB in georgian language

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phpBB in georgian language

Post by torwart5 »

people how to translate phpbb in georgian.

which files do i need to translate from language folder???????

maybe there is already language pack.

please help!!!!!!!!!
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Re: phpBB in georgian language

Post by GunChleoc »

It seems that the translation was never done: viewtopic.php?f=66&t=659365&hilit=georgian

You will have to translate everything in the language folder and also create some images for the interface buttons.

If you have a test installation (which I recommend), you can edit the files in Admin -> System -> Language packs.

Sadly, they only accept 100% translations and you will need to translate not only the user interface, but the full admin interface as well before you can get an official release. It is doable though if you keep at it long enough, and in the meantime you can always upload a zip file here.

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Translate phpbb to georgian

Post by torwart5 »


I want to translate main page to georgian language. Is it possible to do it?

If yes, how?? Which file do i need. can i upload this(unknown) file overwriting original??

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Re: phpBB in georgian language

Post by GunChleoc »

Instructions are here:

I recommend you set up a test installation somewhere, so you can see your translation in action. I run my test installation on a local test environment on my computer. is a good package for that.

Copy everything in language/en to language/ka

Then you can use the translation interface (admin panel -> System -> Language packs).

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