[ABD] Delete Inactive Users

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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Walther »

Thanks for confirming.
I already couldn't imagine I would be the only one facing this problem, luckily you tested it and can confirm it.

Maybe somewhere during an update in the past, USER_NEW field was introduced and pre-set with value "1".
Don't know, but the value of that field should not be used to determine if a user is actually new.
leschek wrote:....
member since 2006
It even didn't wait for 30 days I set in "Delete inactive users:" option.
That is because the query does not look to the inactive day, but for the registration day, which is in your test case 2006; more then 30 days ago.
Wouldn't be a problem if it was working properly, but I really think the USER_INACTIVE_REASON field should be checked in the query instead of USER_NEW


:idea: :idea: :idea:
John P wrote:...
user_new is set to 0 if the user is removed from the NRG ...
there is your error.
In 2006 (for example), there was no NRG, it got introduced with phpBB 3.0.x if i recall correctly
Users registered before the date the board owner updated to phpBB 3.0.x never where in the NRG, so never got removed from the NRG, ergo: USER_NEW kept value 1.
Our board dates back from 2003, we updated from phpBB 2.x to phpBB 3.0.x somewhere 2012, so literally thousands of users .... :shock:
...that really explains...

come to think of it: WHAT when a board owner does not user the NRG ?
Newly registered users will not come into the NRG => never leave the NRG => USER_NEW keeps value of 1 ?

* NRG == Newly Registered users Group
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by John P »

Hoi Walther,

It explains a lot.
When the extension was made it's functions was to delete people and hackers who register and never come back. They are in this state and have no user_inactive reason.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Walther »

John P wrote:They are in this state and have no user_inactive reason.
well, actually they do, they have an USER_INACTIVE_REASON value of 1
As soon as they use the activation link send to them, that value drops to 0 while USER_NEW remains 1 until they actually post something enough to get out of the NRG.
Again a reason not to check against USER_NEW
Walther » Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:09 pm wrote:The following list seems to apply for user_inactive_reason:
0 = nothing, user is not inactive
1 = Newly registered account
2 = Profile details changed
3 = Account deactivated by administrator
4 = Forced user account reactivation
Unless you assuming they did activate the registration, but never returned, in which case you could check the last_visit_day against the registration_day , but i thought users who did register but not activate their account where the target of this extension
John P » Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:25 pm wrote:
It deletes users, not activated and stil new.
So never logged in and 30 days after registration.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by John P »

I played this morning with registration and will update soon.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Walther »

Great to hear.

Semi off topic:
Meanwhile i'm thinking of running the next query in phpMyAdmin, what do you think ?
UPDATE [color=#FF0000]phpbb3_users[/color] SET `user_new` = 0 WHERE `user_posts` > 0; <-- the red part is board-based
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Walther »

John P wrote:will update soon.
...better not wait to long, not all users have a backup to replace when users get deleted which where not meant to be deleted

Not to mention the mess it makes in the current [DEV] state with left PM's and placed postings where the username is sudenly changed in 'anonymous'

If you do not have the time right now, better pull the initial download link off-line
I personally find you rather 'sluggish' or neglecting in your response for this serious matter.

What if people find out you where noticed of this serious bug and provided with a fix, yet 3(!) days later nothing to show to prevent further damage . Can't hide after the [DEV] state, you where informed.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Lumpy Burgertushie »

since this extension , like all the rest in this forum, is only in development and is not suggested for installation on a live board, anyone that does so is doing it at their own risk. not to mention anyone that does anything like this without complete backups is not being very smart.

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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by John P »

Well Walther, it's updated a day ago but reading your comment, we also have a living and a lot of other things to do.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Walther »

Lumpy Burgertushie wrote:anyone that does so is doing it at their own risk. not to mention anyone that does anything like this without complete backups is not being very smart.
Totally agree whit you, but (in general) how long can a developer hides after 'own risk' when informed ? And people make mistakes, don't always checks logs or make a timely backup while they should have.

Personally, all the board owners installing and testing an extension, contribute too. ;)
It is not all 'taking', it's 'giving' too in forms of feedback, suggestions, alternative idea's etc.

That is why I too have spend a lot of time investigating, searching in phpMyAdmin and comparing fields and outcomes of different query's, peeking around in the code to see if I could be at any help, etc.
Just calling : 'It is not working as it should' is easy, but not contributing much imho

And then seeing it lying around for days, well, one cant help starting to worry and wonder if it is taken seriously enough or taken to seriously by oneself
John P wrote:we also have a living and a lot of other things to do
absolutely, and my message might have been a bit strong and rubbed the wrong way, but I was worried for others and the consequences it could have for all involved. Obviously I have removed the extension from my board, so how to get informed the problem was addressed to other then a reply or so?

I think you are doing a great job with your extensions, and no doubt very busy.
As a matter of fact, I envy your knowledge how to make such nice extensions :P
Keep up the good work, and don't forget yourself :idea:
And please accept my apologies and sorry for when I made you feel bad or sad or misunderstood.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by KlausiMaus »

Is it possible to add a function to send a warning message before deleting account?
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by mr.ruf »

KlausiMaus wrote:Is it possible to add a function to send a warning message before deleting account?
hummmmm.... nice question :mrgreen:
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by John P »

Who do you want to send a warning message?
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by KlausiMaus »

The user should be warned by email, maybe a week before definitely deleting his account.
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by John P »

That could be a nice option
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Re: [DEV] Delete Inactive Users

Post by Raul [ThE KuKa] »

Is a good option. ;)
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