Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fields

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Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fields

Post by naderman »

Please use this topic to discuss our blog post Development Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fields
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Re: Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fiel

Post by tbackoff »

You mention occupation and location. Are those the only two you are working on? What about these?
  • ICQ number
  • AOL Instant Messenger
  • WL/MSN Messenger
  • Yahoo Messenger
  • Jabber address
  • Website
  • Interests
  • Birthday
Furthermore, will it be possible to add an option to specify a mini-icon for the viewtopic mini-profile? I'm thinking that users may want to add facebook, twitter, etc. and have an icon for those fields there.
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Re: Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fiel

Post by naderman »

The goal is to turn them all into custom profile fields, keeping the full current functionality. But of course we have to start somewhere ;-)
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Re: Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fiel

Post by zag2me »

Great to see some progress on new features :)

And yes those should all go custom.

Love the idea of the notification centre, Xenforo has had this for while. It would be great if it changed colour as well.
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Re: Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fiel

Post by nickvergessen »

Just a quick update:
Birthday was not moved to CPF fields at the moment because it is used hardcoded to display the birthdays on the index.
Jabber was not moved because it is hard coded into the notification system.

Apart from these two, the above list is moved completly
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Re: Discuss: Dev Update: Notifications & Custom Profile Fiel

Post by Pony99CA »

Maybe I don't understand the scope of the hard-coding, but couldn't you do one of the following (using birthday as an example):

1. Create a GetBirthday function call that returned the CPF birthday instead of the user table birthday and replace hard-coded user table references with that.

2. Create a "shadow" CPF birthday field that, when updated, saves the change into the user table birthday. If the CPF birthday is deleted or disabled, it would clear the user table version. That would allow existing accesses to work while still getting the benefits of the CPF.

Just a thought,

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