ReadMe Before Posting

Get help with installation and running phpBB 3.1.x here. Please do not post bug reports, feature requests, or extension related questions here.
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NOTE: phpBB 3.1.x is at its End of Life stage and support will NOT be provided after July 1st, 2018.
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Support Team Leader
Support Team Leader
Posts: 10608
Joined: Mon Jun 27, 2005 8:41 pm
Location: Texas, USA
Name: Patrick Webster

ReadMe Before Posting

Post by Noxwizard »

I. Are You In the Right Place? #
  • Below is a list of the phpBB 3.1.x forums on this site with their respective descriptions. As posting in the wrong forum will result in your topic not being seen by the people who can contribute to it best, please be sure to choose the forum that best fits your issue. If you decide to post in a different forum, please be sure to read the stickies and announcements that are present in that forum before posting.
  • What if I need help installing/configuring PHP, MySQL, Apache, etc.? #
    There are many other boards that deal specifically with server configurations. Simple do a Google search for "MySQL help forum" to find 100s of boards that will be more than happy to assist you.
  • How do I report a bug? #
    Bugs in phpBB should be reported here.
    Bug reports about this website should be submitted here.
  • How do I report a security related issue? #
    Vulnerabilities should be submitted here.
  • My board has been hacked, what do I do? #
    Please do the following before making any modifications to your board (this includes changing passwords, editing files, running the support toolkit, etc.):
    1. Save a copy of the files (simply create a local copy of the files on the server).
    2. Save a copy of the database.
    3. Save the server access logs and FTP logs for the time of the hack (they may be available in the 'logs' directory on the server, in your host's control panel or only by request directly from your host).
    4. File a report in the Incident Tracker. Attach the items from steps 1-3 when you file the report or upload them to a secure location for the incident investigation team to download. Please do not start a new topic in the support forum, the proper place for incident reports is the tracker.
II. Frequently Asked Questions #
  • What is the minimum version of PHP supported? #
    PHP 5.3.3+
  • Can I use MODs, Styles, or language packs made for phpBB2 or phpBB3 installations? #
    Most likely not, phpBB 3.1.x is substantially different from phpBB 3.0.x though some simple MODs may continue to work. Questions about specific MODs should be directed to the MOD author. Language packs and styles for phpBB 3.0.x will not work on 3.1.x. Over time Extension/Style/translation authors will release packages for phpBB3.
  • How do I convert my phpBB2 board to phpBB 3.1.x? #
    The conversion guide is in the /docs/ directory of your installation package, or online.
  • How do I convert my phpBB3 board to phpBB 3.1.x? #
    Note: Most MODs will not be compatible with 3.1 and their functionality will be lost when updating.
    1. Backup up your board's files and database
    2. Deactivate all styles except for prosilver
    3. Ensure that the activated spambot countermeasure is one of the standard phpBB plugins.
    4. Set British English as the only language pack
    5. Delete all of your phpBB 3.0.x files EXCEPT for the following:
      • config.php
      • The /images/ directory
      • The /files/ directory
      • The /store/ directory
    6. Upload the contents of the 3.1.x Full Package (EXCEPT for config.php) into your forum's directory.
    7. Browse to /install/database_update.php
    8. Delete the /install/ directory
III. Seeking Assistance
  • Support Forum
    • Please remember that those who help you, do so on a voluntary basis. Note the following when asking a question:
      • Just like in real life, you are much more likely to receive assistance if you are courteous and respectful. Users who demand help or attack others are often ignored by the community. Users who make a habit of being disrespectful will be warned under rule 1b. #
      • Please do not use generic topic titles like "I need help" or "Getting an error". Remember, a descriptive title will attract much more attention than a generic one. #
      • As per rule 1h, please do not post your message in ALL CAPS, bold, large, or bright text or use excessive punctuation. This goes for the title as well. #
      • As per rule 4g, please do not bump your topic until at least 6 hours have passed since the last response. Since most of us answer questions in the order they were posted, frequent bumping will only push you further away from help. #
      • When starting a new topic, be sure to fill out the Support Request Template. If you don't know the answer to something, leave it blank. Keep in mind, however, that more details will help us answer your question more accurately. #
  • IRC
    • If you prefer to ask for assistance via IRC, you may do so in the channel #phpbb on Please be sure to read the IRC Rules. Note that certain questions (particularly those having to do with code changes) are difficult to ask/answer in a chat room. As a general rule, more complex questions are best asked in the support forum. #
  • Other
    • Please remember that PMing, IMing or emailing team members for support is against rule 4e. Support is only offered via the board and IRC. #
The Support Team

Note: Please PM me if you have a suggestion or find an error in this notice.

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